

Systemic Enzymes

Wobenzym N

By Georgia Gonzales - Message her  Flag 
Updated Nov. 04, 2010, about 14 years ago

Wobenzym is an enzymatic therapy designed in Germany in the 1960s. It has multiple health benefits and works as a natural anti-inflammatory. Wobenzym has been found to effectively help reduce inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis and other inflammatory conditions. It can also work as a natural and safe alternative to more traditional medications such as ibuprofen. In addition to its anti-inflammatory uses for osteoarthritis, Wobenzym has been found to lower C reactive protein levels by a significant 30%. C reactive protein levels are the marker for chronic infection in the body. Thus, Wobenzym displays promise in helping to decrease instances of infection that causes pain.

The bioflavonoids in Wobenzym help to diminish the discoloration and local pain associated with traumatic injuries. Many leading surgeons regularly administer Wobenzym to patients when they undergo surgical procedures to encourage faster, more efficient healing. It helps to prevent edema and post-surgical bruising. Some Olympic athletes are also using Wobenzym to help reduce the occurrence of injury by as much as 50% and to promote recovery from injuries incurred.

Wobenzym promotes overall health and wellness and the list of its health benefits continues to grow. Wobenzym has been found to help decrease inflammation that causes allergies and can alleviate symptoms for the sufferer. It can help to provide protection for the body from environmental toxins found in water, food, and air. Wobenzym has shown to help reduce the instance of blood clots generated by the sudden dispersal of vulnerable plaque. Wobenzym works to lower cholesterol while preventing strokes and heart attacks due to its anti-thrombotic, anti-spasmodic, anti-arrhythmic effect. The antioxidants in Wobenzym promote feelings of well-being and can help to reduce the signs and effects of aging. As previously noted, Wobenzym has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can help to treat autoimmune disorders and rheumatic illnesses such as osteo and rheumatic arthritis. It can help to reduce inflammation and muscle pain. Wobenzym is a powerful and beneficial enzyme treatment option that optimizes health and can effectively be applied to a variety of physical problems.

Importance of Enzymes

What exactly is enzyme therapy? And for that matter, what are enzymes and how do they impact health? Enzymes are proteins that make life possible. Every chemical reaction that occurs in the human body requires enzymes to ensure maximum efficacy. No vitamin, mineral, or hormone can do its job in the human body without the catalyst effect of enzymes. Enzymes help the body digest fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber; enabling the body to glean nutrients while removing toxins. Enzymes convert the food we eat into energy and fuel our bodies to promote stronger immune systems and healthier blood flow. Amino acids, which are the basic building blocks of life, comprise the proteins that are enzymes. While all enzymes are proteins, all proteins are not necessarily enzymes. Enzymes are organized into chains that fold into three-dimensional structures in a sporadic manner. These structures affirm the specific function of the enzyme. Nearly every metabolic and physiological evolution in the body requires enzymes.

Consequently, it is important to recognize that enzymes are one of the key players in maintaining a healthy body. Enzymes work to enhance a strong, healthy immune system; promote cardiovascular wellness; support quality central nervous system function; and help to properly balance hormone levels in the body. Enzymes fuel the body’s chemical activities by working as catalysts, causing the body’s processes to work at a faster rate. Enzymes are an integral part of healthy cell activity and are necessary for organs, tissues, and glands to perform properly. Without enzymes, cells would not perform their tasks as quickly or efficiently and the body’s physiological processes would either not progress at all or would move at an extremely slow rate. The human body produces its own supply of enzymes as needed. However, there are a myriad of situations in which the body exhausts its enzyme supply and cannot adequately replenish its supply. The consumption of junk food rather than healthy, whole foods can diminish the body’s ability to produce sufficient enzyme levels. Certain medications can also inhibit healthy enzyme production. As the body ages it loses the ability to keep up with the demands of metabolic attrition and struggles to maintain satisfactory enzyme levels. This insufficiency of vital enzymes has been found to be a key component to chronic, age-related illnesses. Enzymes are a critical factor to the body’s overall health and its ability to operate effectively and efficiently.

Types of Enzymes

There are three types of enzymes and each one plays an important role in the body’s ability to function properly. Digestive and metabolic enzymes are produced within the body and food enzymes must be consumed. Digestive enzymes are secreted along the digestive tract in order to break down food into nutrients and waste. The nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream and the waste is excreted. The digestive enzymes include ptyalin, pepsin, trypsin, lipase, protease, and amylase. Cellulase is another enzyme required to digest fiber and it must be ingested by eating raw foods. Metabolic enzymes are produced within each cell and are vital for the proper function of every cell, tissue, organ, and chemical reaction. Metabolic enzymes speed up chemical reactions within the cells and are responsible for energy production and detoxification. Finally, food enzymes are consumed in our diet through the raw foods that we eat. They can also be attained through enzyme supplements. The food that we eat contains enzymes, but only enough to digest that particular piece of food. Unfortunately, most of the food that we eat is cooked, which causes that food to be depleted of its enzymes. The only food that contains active enzymes for digestion is raw. Therefore, it is often recommended that people take enzyme supplements to aid in the digestion of all food since we do not usually consume enough natural food enzymes to adequately digest everything we eat.

Wobenzym History

Approximately 50 years ago, Drs. Max Wolf and Helen Benitez began a journey to find a natural, wholesome, alternative treatment for cancer that would be gentler and less traumatic to the body’s systems than chemotherapy and radiation. When dealing with disease, the human body produces proteins that can be dangerous and further enhance poor health. However, one of the most beneficial classes of enzymes is called proteolytic enzymes and they have the ability to break down proteins into smaller chains of amino acids. Drs. Wolf and Benitez theorized that the use of proteolytic enzymes might help to eat up the dangerous proteins being produced when some is struggling with disease and improve the persons overall health while fighting off that disease. While the doctors were hopeful for success in finding a natural “cure” for cancer, they could not have known all the numerous health benefits they would reveal during their study of enzymes.

The research process was fairly slow and tedious as it was very difficult isolate and purify the enzymes. Even then, it took some time to develop an environment in which the enzymes would stay active and could accurately be studied. Drs. Wolf and Benitez, along with another researcher from Germany named Dr. Karl Ransberger, evaluated a large number of enzymes derived from plant and animal sources. The researchers began inspecting the interaction of different enzymes combined to see what beneficial effects could be achieved with different combinations. Finally, a combination of systemic enzymes coordinated to produce a variety of health applications and Wobenzym was born.

Dr Ransberger decided to develop his systemic enzyme solution into a product that could serve the health needs of people around the world. He joined with his mentor, Dr. Wolf, to create a business partnership and the two moved back to Germany to continue their work in enzyme research and product development. This special enzyme preparation was named, WoBeEnzym, in recognition of Dr. Wolf and Dr. Benitez’ earlier work with systemic enzymes. Wobenzym is a product of MUCOS Pharma and has become recognized worldwide due to the company’s subsidiaries in the United States, Argentina, Mexico, Spain, Czech Republic, India, Pakistan, Korea, and New Zealand. Dr. Ransberger worked tirelessly to develop manufacturing processes that would preserve the enzymes’ full biological activity. He worked with MUCOS Pharma to patent innovative technology that would not only allow proper extraction of the enzymes, but also the stabilized manufacturing into tablet form of the enzymes in a way that maintained maximum benefits and purity. Wobenzym is a state-of-the-art preparation of proteolytic enzymes that is specifically designed to offer ultimate health benefits and promote the enhanced function of the body’s organs, cells, tissues, and chemical reactions.

How Does Wobenzym N Work?

As mentioned earlier, the enzymes in Wobenzym work to support healthy function of the entire human body. Every chemical reaction and digestive process relies on a healthy supply of enzymes. Specifically, Wobenzym works so effectively to promote health because it contains proteolytic enzymes, which cling to other proteins and can break them down when necessary. The proteolytic enzymes found in Wobenzym help the body maintain homeostasis when healthy, but also helps to fight damaging proteins when diseased. There are multiple clinical trials that have indicated Wobenzym’s ability to minify harmful immune complexes that can lead to autoimmune disorders. In conjunction, immune complexes can precipitate a multitude of diseases because they have been identified for their role in thickening blood. Even though Drs. Wolf, Benitez, and Ransberger did not find the unequivocal cure for cancer at this point, the proteolytic enzymes in Wobenzym have been found to be very effective in helping to treat some cancers. The sister product, Wobe-Mugos, to Wobenzym by MUCOS is under consideration by the FDA for Orphan Drug status as a contributory treatment for patients with the cancer involving B cells in the blood called multiple myeloma. There is also research being performed to show that proteolytic enzymes found in Wobenzym can aid in the management of pancreatic cancer. Research is continuously being performed concerning proteolytic enzymes and Wobenzym as therapy options for certain cancers.

Wobenzym Research

Research is continuously being completed concerning the health benefits of Wobenzym. One study was performed to evaluate the effect of Wobenzym enzymes on the atherogenic potential and inflammatory factors at the rehabilitation stage for patients who had a myocardial infarct. The effects of Wobenzym on the atherogenicity of blood serum were evaluated as well as the immuno-inflammatory reaction of patients with myocardial infarction. The study was performed during the rehabilitation stage over a six month period of time. The basis therapy for the patients supplemented with Wobenzym showed facilitation of the normalization of the atherogenic potential. It also had a positive effect on the mediators of the inflammatory process. (Lik Sprava. 2000 Jul-Aug;(5):111-4)

Another study was performed to determine the efficacy of Wobenzym in the comprehensive treatment of patients with a digital flexor tendon injury. The study evaluated 56 patients with digital flexor tendon injuries. The study isolated 28 of the patients and treated them with Wobenzym along with their other complex treatment as well as early active mobilization. Considerable anti-inflammatory and anti-oedematous effects were noted. A secondary analgesic effect was also noted and patients taking Wobenzym were able to regain active movements earlier. (Klin Khir. 2000;(4):39-40.)

As Wobenzym continues to be assessed for its many health benefits, the research shows even more uses for Wobenzym in helping treat diseases and conditions. A study performed in 1999 looked at the effect of the Wobenzym preparation on the antioxidant protection indices and on the functional-morphological properties of the erythrocytes in a toxic lesion of the liver. The study examined 60 patients with toxic afflictions of the liver. The anti-radical defence decompensation mechanisms were established together with changes in morphofunctional properties of red cells in toxic hepatitis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. It was considered expedient to include the polyenzymic preparation, Wobenzym, into the therapeutic complex since it had been shown to make for normalization of the red cells’ ability to undergo deformation, lowering the degree of viscosity of RBC suspension in the patients. (Lik Sprava. 1999 Jul;(5):124-8.)

A study was completed investigating Wobenzym and diuretic therapy in lymphedema after breast operation. The authors of this clinical study report the results of a controlled clinical trial in randomized parallel groups (Wobenzym vs. diuretics) of 55 female patients suffering from brachial arm lymph edema subsequent to ablatio mammae. All patients received manual and machine lymph drainage as well as gymnastics as concomitant therapy. After 7 weeks of therapy the results of the volometric assessments of the arm, the circumference of the arm and the skinfold thickness showed significant improvements compared to diuretics. In addition, the patients receiving Wobenzym reported a significantly higher proportion of patients free of pain compared to the diuretics patients. Overall safety assessment results are satisfactory thus resulting in a superior benefit/risk relation of the Wobenzym group. (Wien Med Wochenschr. 1996;146(4):67-72; discussion 74.)

This next study looks at the effects of Wobenzym on the blood proteinase-inhibitory system in elderly and senile patients with gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers. The study was made in 31 patient with gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer aged from 60 to 82 years. It has been ascertained that exacerbation of the condition is accompanied by decline in the lysis of azoalbumin (low-molecular proteins), by a decrease in the blood serum concentration of alpha 2-macroglobulin in the presence of an increased lysis of azocol (colagenolytic activity of the blood) and the blood serum content of aldehyde- and ketone derivatives. Administration of Wobenzym and erbisol against the background of a differentiated basic therapy makes for improvement of the condition of the blood proteinase-inhibitory system, with the protein oxidative modification processes being on the decrease. (Lik Sprava. 2001 May-Jun;(3):130-5.)

One other study shows Intestinal resorption with 3H labeled enzyme mixture (wobenzyme). 0.2 g of an enzyme mixture, Wobenzym, labelled with 3H-acetic anhydride, were given orally to guinea pigs, which were arranged in 4 groups of 5 animals. The animals of each group were sacrificed at intervals of 30 minutes, 2, 4 and 24 hours after application. Radioactivity of the small and large intestine, plasma, urine, liver, heart, kidney, and skeletal muscle were determined. It could be shown that the labelled mixture of enzymes was absorbed from the intestine and was demonstrable in significant amounts in plasma, urine, heart, kidney, liver and skeletal muscle. (Acta Med Austriaca. 1979;6(1):13-8.)

Wobenzym N Ingredients and Wobenzym Dosage Information

Wobenzym N by Naturally Vitamins is the world’s most researched systemic enzyme therapy preparation. Decades of research and dedication have gone into enzyme study so that the Wobenzym product could be made available to the millions of people world-wide who need its healing properties. Wobenzym’s impact on a variety of health issues continues to be assessed as researchers are constantly discovering more benefits its proteolytic enzymes have to offer. Wobenzym effectively reduces inflammation and can be a valuable aid in preventing and treating degenerative diseases. It is widely recognized for its ability to improve health for those suffering with osteo-arthritis or some autoimmune disorders such as fibromyalgia and polymyalgia. It is also used commonly by athletes to help prevent injuries and to recover from physical injury more quickly. Similarly, physicians often use Wobenzym to help patients heal from surgery or other traumatic procedures more quickly. Wobenzym provides support for healthy digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and fibers. It improves intestinal health and enhances metabolism. Wobenzym increases healthy blood flow and red blood cell count. It has been recognized for its anti-coagulation properties. For this reason, it has shown to reduce strokes and heart attacks. Wobenzym is also used in conjunction with cancer therapies to improve quality of life for cancer patients and to help fight certain cancers. Wobenzym contains the following:

3 Tablets Contain:

Calories 2.5
Total Carbohydrates less than 1 g
Sugars less than 1 g
Protein less than 1 g
Pancreatin, 56,000 USP-units protease (pancreas) Sus scrofa 300 mg
Papain, 492 FIP-unit Carica papaya 180 mg
Bromelain, 675 FIP-unit Ananus comosus 135 mg
Trypsin, 2160 FIP-unit (pancreas) Sus scrofa 72 mg
Chymotrypsin, 900 FIP-unit (pancreas) Bos taurus 3 mg
Rutosid, 3 H20 (rutin) Sophora japonica 150 mg
Other ingredients: silica, magnesium stearate, corn polysaccharides, microcrystalline cellulose, pH resistant enteric coat.

The suggested adult usage for Wobenzym is three tablets, two times daily. Wobenzym should be taken at least 45 minutes before meals. For those who have had health problems or are on any other medication, it would be wise to start with smaller doses of Wobenzym to ensure there is no harmful reaction. You should always consult with your physician before taking any supplements or medication.

Side Effects of Wobenzym N

Wobenzym has no known, negative, side effects. At this time, research has indicated that it is natural and safe. However, patients taking any kind of blood thinners or anti-coagulation drugs should consult with a physician before taking Wobenzym. It is always safest to discuss any supplements or medications you are considering with your physician.

Other Enzyme Therapy Options

Inf-Zyme Forte

Inf-Zyme Forte by American Biologics is an enzyme therapy supplement that specifically works to improve intestinal health. It is full of antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes, and pancreatic enzymes that help the body more efficiently digest fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. Inf-Zyme Forte helps to reduce inflammation, enhance digestion, and improve blood flow. It can be beneficial in the treatment of breast and prostate cancers as well as other types of cancer. Inf-Zyme Forte can help to treat and prevent anemia, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, and chron’s disease. Each Inf-Zyme Forte tablet is PH release coated to guarantee that it delivers its healing properties to the small intestines to achieve maximum health benefits.


Natural Factors’ Zymactive is another effective enzyme supplement that works to reduce inflammation and improve digestion. Zymactive helps to increase red blood cell supply and enhance metabolism. It also can serve as a natural approach to battling different cancers, anemia, chron’s disease, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Zymactive is enteric coated to ensure maximum absorption and ultimate health benefits. Zymactive contains 200 mg of Pancreatin 8x, 120 mg of Papain 30,000 USP/mg, 52 mg of Serratia Peptidase 200,000 SPU/g, and 50 mg of bromelain 1,200 MCU/g.


Toto-Zyme is now offered by Seacoast Vitamins and touts its quality enzyme formula. Toto-Zyme is a poly-zym 021 formula and contains 2 mg more Trypsin than other enzyme preparations. It is enteric coated to allow for the most effective absorption and health benefits. Toto-Zyme is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been found especially helpful in treating degenerative diseases. It is very promising in relieving osteo arthritis pain and helping treat autoimmune disorders. Many doctors also use Toto-Zyme as an adjunct in treating different kinds of cancers. Toto-Zyme contains 400 mg of Pancreatin, 250 mg Papain, 180 mg of Bromelain, 104 mg Trypsin, 40 mg Lipase, 40 mg of Amylase, 4 mg of a-Chymotrypsin, and 200 mg of Rutin.

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Gamma E Tocopherol/Tocotrienols (60 softgels)* Life Extension

Life Extension
Gamma E Tocopherol/Tocotrienols- According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, alpha tocopherol (regular vitamin E) displaces critically important gamma tocopherol in the cells. While alpha tocopherol inhibits free radical production.
Chromium & Vanadium (90 capsules)*
Chromium & Vanadium (90 capsules)* Natural Factors

Natural Factors
Natural Factors Chromium & Vanadium works synergistically to maintain a healthy body.
Megazyme (90 tablets)*
Megazyme (90 tablets)* Natural Factors

Natural Factors
Complete Megazymes contain a spectrum of enzymes from vegetarian sources to assist and improve digestion.
Betaine HCL (500mg 90 capsules)*
Betaine HCL (500mg 90 capsules)* Natural Factors

Natural Factors
Betaine hydrochloride, derived from beets, supports healthy digestion.
Phosphatidylserine - PS (100 mg 60 softgels)*
Phosphatidylserine - PS (100 mg 60 softgels)* Natural Factors

Natural Factors
Natural Factors Phosphatidylserine (PS) is naturally derived from soy phospholipids and is a natural nutrient found in the brain where it plays a major role supporting healthy brain functions such as memory, focus and clarity.
Horse Chestnut Cream (2 oz)*
Horse Chestnut Cream (2 oz)* Planetary Herbals

Planetary Herbals
Planetary Herbals Horse Chestnut Cream combines a concentrated extract of horse chestnut (20% aescin) with the other renowned tonifiers butcher's broom, witch hazel, white oak and myrrh. An advanced liposomal delivery system is used to support tonification and deep moisturizing. Horse Chestnut Cream is especially useful for improving the appearance of varicose veins.
Kudzu Recovery (120 tablets)*
Kudzu Recovery (120 tablets)* Planetary Herbals

Planetary Herbals
Planetary Herbals Kudzu Recovery™ features the roots and flowers of kudzu (Pueraria lobata), which have long been used in Chinese herbalism to help lessen the desire for alcohol. Researchers have identified two constituents in kudzu responsible for this activity, daidzein and daidzin, which in animal research have been found to cause a similar effect. These are combined with coptis, a primary cleansing and liver-supporting herb from Chinese herbalism, and other key botanicals historically used to reduce cravings.
Triphala Gold (1000mg 120 tablets)*
Triphala Gold (1000mg 120 tablets)* Planetary Herbals

Planetary Herbals
Triphala is the legendary intestinal cleanser and tonifier of India. Planetary Herbals Triphala Gold
Pine Bark Extract Full Spectrum (150mg 60 tablets)*
Pine Bark Extract Full Spectrum (150mg 60 tablets)* Planetary Herbals

Planetary Herbals
Pine polyphenols are powerful antioxidants, giving benefits to the cardiovascular system and the immune system.
1. Statements and claims on have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or diagnose any ailment or disease.

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