Angioprim | Liquid Oral EDTA Chelation.

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Angioprim | Liquid Oral EDTA Chelation

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Liquid Oral EDTA Chelation - 2 fluid ounces

Angioprim is a premium liquid Cardio Chelate designed for superior absorption and Chelation of heavy metals and calcification in the arteries. Unlike certain brands of liquid Cardio Chelate, Angioprim Liquid Oral EDTA Chelate is safe for people with liver and kidney problems. Cardio Chelation stands to benefit a myriad of people suffering from atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries and heart disease. Blocked arteries due to inflammation or mineral and calcium build-up exhibit a number of symptoms including, shortness of breath, shooting pain in arms and leg, numbness in the extremities, lack of energy, and may also be indicated by male pattern baldness, and gum disease, gingivitis.

EDTA Chelation therapy removes heavy metals from the body by binding to these unwanted toxic metals and allowing them to pass harmlessly out of the blood stream through urine, stool and sweat. Indicated as a potential therapy for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders, removing heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury from the body and brain may may improve these conditions that are linked to heavy metal toxicity.

For those in the manufacturing, or industrial labor, it is especially essential to remove the heavy metal toxins found in the work environment. This liquid, oral form of Cardio Chelate is a formula which reduce inflammation and improve the effectiveness of the chelating process. For a full chelation and best results, Dr. Randolph Pinch recommends using 12 complete 2 oz bottles.

**Benefits: **

  • Scours arteries and removes heavy metals
  • Repair artery and blood vessel walls
  • Safe for people with liver and kidney damage
  • No upset stomach or diarrhea

Serving Size: 1 tablespoon in 2oz. of water in the morning wait  20 minutes before eating. May be used up to twice a day on empty stomach.

**Ingredients: **80% EDTA, 10% Serrapeptase, 10% Proprietary Blend

Do not take with fruit juices, avoid dairy, calcium, shark cartilage, coral calcium, and exercise while doing the cleanse.

While on the cleanse walking, treadmill, swimming, yoga is acceptable.  We don't recommend that you over do it while on the cleanse such as lifting too much weight or doing extreme exercise.  Chelation is more effective if you don't over exert yourself.

By Eugene Strickland - Flag 
Comments? Question?
Updated Jan. 04, 2019, about 6 years ago

SKU: AP1022
Distributed or manufactured from Angioprim International. See more Angioprim International products.

*Not intended to diagnose or treat diseases or ailments, and is not reviewed by the FDA.

Uses & Indications.
  • Reducing Artery Plaque
  • Reducing Inflammation
  • Removing Heavy Metals
Ailments & Concerns.
  • Heart Disease
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Thursday 09 February, 2017
So glad I found this product from Seacoast Vitamins. After having some tests my Dr told me that I had plaque built up in my arteries. I decided to try the angioprim instead of what the Dr recommended. I used the 12 bottles that was recommended for the total cleanse. I went back to the DR after completing the cleanse and asked him to check again to see if this product had helped my situation. He was very pleased to tell me that there was very little plaque any more. He asked me what I had done and I told him about this product. He was really impressed with the results, so was I.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Wednesday 27 April, 2011
Am in my 4th days of taking this medicine, hope it help my angina pain and clear my block blood vessel. Would be good if the product comes with more instruction and advices. Have receive the product in reasonable time as it send from USA to Australia. Will update after my 6 bottle.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Thursday 29 May, 2008
After the first week, I'm happy to report no side-effects. This liquid chelation is easy to take, and I am excited to be using a liquid chelate therapy. It's certainly better priced than the only other two products on the market, angio-prim and cardio renew, and is basically twice the value. I've used chelation in the past as a preventative measure from urban living in LA, Seattle and New York as I've been worried about the effects of pollution, especially heavy metal pollutants in the environment.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Questions and answers:

Asked on: January 25, 2013
  • A:

    Thank you for your interest in Angioprim. The Ingredients are as follows: EDTA, Serrapeptase, Proprietary Blend of Herbs.  

Asked on: July 24, 2019
Question: how long should you take it if your blockage of arteries is small? Do you have a trail offer?
Asked on: September 25, 2017
Question: two weeks ago I was told that I have a blockage on my neck artery stenosis I schedule next week for the procedure . I would like to know if I can start taken Angioprim .
Asked on: October 30, 2013
Question: What form of EDTA is being used in this angioprim? The competition claims there is only one kind of liquid EDTA that is not detrroyed by the stomach acid?
Asked on: July 10, 2013
Question: I am using this product and want to know if:1. lemon juice in water during the day weakens the effect of the Angioprimplus, 2. Do antioxidant supplements weaken the effect of the Angioprim.Thank you.
Asked on: May 29, 2013
Question: why is angioprim liquid oral edta chelation not available in malaysia? i was told that this product is not yet registered with the ministry of health malaysia. if this is true and you suggested that i order online for this product wouldn't it be confiscated by malaysian custom's department once they intercept my package?
  • A: I understand your concern. Unfortunately not all products are available worldwide and that is why many people order supplements online. You can find out more about Seacoast shipping with the link below. My appologies for any confusion. If you have any other questions or concerns, please call us at 1+) 702-508-9054. We would be happy to answer your questions.
Asked on: April 24, 2013
Question: Please let me know if taking more than one dose a day is alright if I have three severe blockages in the heart or what is the maximum number of dosages in a day which is not detrimental to the body?
  • A: The serving size is only 1 tablespoon in the morning with 2 ounces of water. It is always best to take the recommended dosage from the manufacturer unless advised differently by your physician. 
Asked on: March 2, 2013
Question: hi, i am searching this product ( angoprim) here in Dubai, UAE unfortunately i can't find it. where can i find this here in Dubai?
  • A: I am not aware of the availability of this product locally in Dubai, but you can purchase this product online directly from
Asked on: February 25, 2013
Question: Hi I am from Malaysia and I ordered angioprim sometime last year but when it arrives, it is labeled under the name 'Sparkle'. Is it the same?
  • A: Did you order this product from We do not have any product named Sparkle. 
Asked on: February 11, 2013
Question: I am seeking the cardio care product sublingual EDTA, which I cant find listed in your products. Do you carry it.
  • A: Unfortunately we do not carry a sublingual EDTA form of Chelation. Cardio Chelation is a highly advanced liquid oral chelation containing serrapeptase. It is safe even for people who have liver and kidney conditions and also safe for diabetics to take. 

Asked on: November 9, 2012
Question: is there any company in the Philippines selling Angioprim? pls let me know. Thank you.
Asked on: January 17, 2013
Question: What have people used to mix with for taste. Is orange juice, or soft drinks ok
  • A: Thank you for contacting us about  Angioprim Liquid Oral EDTA Chelation. The suggested dosage is 1 tablespoon in 2 ounces of water in the morning and wait 20 minutes before eating.   Do not take with fruit juices, avoid dairy, calcium, shark cartilage, coral calcium, and exercise while doing the cleanse.
Asked on: January 12, 2013
Question: I have had Angioprim a couple of years ago, but to no avail. Took it for over a year but still had to have a bypass on the leg. Now it seems need another bypass on other leg. Would your Angioprim be any different to the one I bought from Las Vegas. Also what diet is necessary as found giving up all dairy was too severe and body couldn't handle it as well.From Marie Chesleigh from Australia.
  • A: Thank you for contacting us about Angioprim Oral Chelation. I am not sure if this is the same product you purchased in Las Vegas.  The manufactures diet suggestion is to take 1 tbsp. Cardio Chelation in the morning wait 20 minutes before eating. Do not take with fruit juices as juices reduce the effects of natural products. Avoid dairy until the afternoon. Avoid exercise while doing the cleanse. Walking is good but no heavy weight lifting or strenuous exercise. Allow your body to cleanse without over working it. If you have any concerns or need some extra advise on using this product please consult your physician.
Asked on: January 9, 2013
Question: If i have no serious medical problem will this product make me sick
  • A: Thank you for your interest in Oral Chelation. People are effected differently by this product however most people do not have negative effects from this product.
Asked on: December 31, 2012
Question: i have three stents need something that will work,
Asked on: December 31, 2012
Question: does it workhow long do you need to use product
Asked on: November 25, 2012
Question: How I can get this angioprem in India-Satara my e-mail address is
Asked on: November 25, 2012
Question: How I can get this anjgoprem in India-Satara my e-mail address is
Asked on: November 25, 2012
Question: How I can get this anjioprem in India-Satara my e-mail address is

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