Review When we lived in Singapore I purchased/used Chandrika soap, but I didn't realize until we returned to the US how beneficial its properties would be. While gardening, I came into contact with poison ivy and the resulting rash was irritating and incredibly itchy. Washing with Chandrika soap twice daily not only stopped the maddening itch, but the blisters dried up and healed quickly. Can't do without it!
Review it's great soap, the bar is large and lasts a long time and doesn't have any chemicals or ingredients you cannot pronounce. the 8 oz bar works out to be pretty inexpensive per oz.
Review Hyaluronic Acid has been a big help in keeping my joints pain free. At 73 years of age, I am virtually pain free and do daily half hour workouts on my elliptical machine with no problems. It's a great product for me!