Review This product is so working for me. I suffer (don't like using that word) from IBS. My gastro doc gave me an rx. The rx was quite expensive to take twice a day. He suggested more fiber in my diet, but I found that really did not help either. The fibrous food left me feeling quite bloated. When I heard about PGX in a magazine to which I subscribe, I noted the info re fiber. Since taking this, not only has it helped my symptoms tremendously, I have lost a few pounds which is always a plus for females (45 and over anyway). I have also been able to decrease my rx to once a day. I will continue to take this supplement and hope that it will replace my rx soon. Thank you so much.
Review Source Naturals 5 HTP is one of the many sources I've tried. It was best tolerated at night a few hours after eating, but made me sick to my stomach if I took it before eating in the mornings. The biggest downside to the product is that it is in 50mg capsules instead of 100mg capsules. I have heard great things about Lidtke's l-Tryptophan as well, but have not tried it.
I would definately use Source Natural's 5-HTP is available to me, but prefer LifeLink and Solaray's.
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