
Submitted Questions

    Product: EPA-DHA Balance (630 mg 120 softgels)
    Asked on: January 16, 2013
    Question: .- ....... , Financial imes. . , 24 , , , . , Financial imes, . , , defaults.
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      Product: Udos Oil 3-6-9-Blend (8.5 oz)
      Asked on: January 16, 2013
      Question: Ho ho, who wodlua thunk it, right?
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        Product: Epresat Multivitamin Liquid Extract (8.5 oz)
        Asked on: January 16, 2013
        Question: You've ipmrsesed us all with that posting!
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          Product: Green Tea Facial Cleansing Pad (50 pads)
          Asked on: January 16, 2013
          Question: Now I'm like, well duh! Truly thaknful for your help.
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            Product: Primal Defense (90 Caplets)
            Asked on: January 16, 2013
            Question: That's the best anwser of all time! JMHO
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              Product: Dairy Allergies Allergy Treatment Unflavored (1oz)
              Asked on: January 16, 2013
              Question: aCorn Gluten Meal AAFCO Corn Gluten Meal is the dried residue from corn after the rvaoeml of the larger part of the starch and germ, and the separation of the bran by the process employed in the wet milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup, or by enzymatic treatment of the endosperm. Solid Gold states that it is: Added to pet food to slow down the transition of rancid animal fats (think toxic waste). This holds the waste in. Kidneys and liver work overtime. Dogs may chew their lower backs. Feet may swell, so the dogs lick their feet. Corn is thought to be the 3 common cause of food allergies in dogs. Natura uses it in cat foods because Corn Gluten Meal is a plant protein source that is low in ash. It is used in Natura cat foods to balance the natural ash in chicken. Ground Corn AAFCO Ground Corn is the entire corn kernel, ground or chopped. Neither Natura nor Solid Gold use it since: Although Ground Corn is a good quality source of carbohydrates, it is thought to be the 3 common cause of food allergies in pets. Replya
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                Product: ACES + Zinc (120 soft gels)
                Asked on: January 16, 2013
                Question: I think I know what you are referring too Rachel and it woudln't normally be part of the surgery you might want to discuss it with your GP as they will receive a report about what was found and done during the surgery.
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                  Product: 5-HTP 100 mg (120 capsules)*
                  Asked on: January 16, 2013
                  Question: Does the milk have to be warm? Also, I read your post that oatmeal is good for dbeaites since it has a slower carb absorbtion, (did I remember that correctly), so is that still helpful for an insulin rush to make you sleepy? Seems like a contradiction, could you advise on that since I am interested in both sleep and better foods to avoid dbeaites, I think I am prediabetic. Thanks.
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                    Product: CalMag Bone Health (180 tablets)*
                    Asked on: January 16, 2013
                    Question: I think we are getting beettr at being environmental friendly in this country, and the environmental education in schools is catching on.There are lots of good schemes going in communities through agencies like Ecoschools, Grounds for Learning and Learning Through Landscapes which are helping, and Greenspace projects work extensively with communities, as well as local authority green and recycling schemes, which are consistantly developing. So all in all, I think the future for UK ecofriendliness is fairly positive.It will take a while to happen though, but I think the changes need to be made in Government. If I could afford solar panels, a windmill, a green roof, a hybrid or electric car and could rely on public transport to get me to work in less than 2 hours, my carbon footprint would substantially decrease, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. If they gave everyone in the UK a windmill and solar panels and set up community generators, rather than digging up sensitive and sssi designated land for windfarms it would cost less, but the problem here is that it creates less work and isn't good for business to encourage people to be more self suffiecient the energy companies would lose out big time.In my house, we already reuse and recycle everything we can, bike when we can, use the higher octane fuel in the car (which is meant to be slightly kinder), grow some of our own fruit and veg, use less energy, etc, etc. But hitting us with taxes when we are trying to do our best by the planet isn't going to help. I agree that the changes need to be made commercially, as we are often victims of trade in what is available to purchase, and we are already being taxed to high heavens. Speaking of the heavens, the only tax I would change is for planes, and add the extra a375 cost to flights, but rather than giving it to the government or flight agents, put it directly to planting more trees and saving the rainforest.The problem is that enterprise and business seem to come before the needs of the environment, as economics hold a special place in the heart of politicians. And in the UK, we add 2 to the world carbon emissions, and this needs to be balanced against what the rest of the world is burning. Shouldn't China and the USA take a bit of extra responsibility, although it's good to hear that Arnie is behind California going green. Surely there is money to be made in the new technologies which are more efficient, and helping the 3rd world countries could potentially open up business and trade. It's a big, hard ugly problem that isn't going to be solved overnight by taxing everyone.
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                      Product: ProFema The Menopause Multiple (120 tabs)*
                      Asked on: January 16, 2013
                      Question: Like the others, I toltlay understand not wanting to take them but I think you should. Especially with the luteal phase defect progesterone is your friend against AF even if it's a bitchy friend that stabs you in the back and makes you feel like hell.I have to use progesterone during my 2ww but I have the suppositories. Shoving them where the sun don't shine takes some getting used to, but I really don't find I have any reactions to them I have to use one in the morning and one in the evening. Not sure if this could be an option for you? I've read on other sites that often the suppositories are tolerated better than the pills.Wow. I've written a mini novel on progesterone. Who knew! Good luck with what you decide!!
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