
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Barleans Omega Swirl and You

By Anna Powers - Message her  Flag 
Updated Oct. 27, 2010, about 14 years ago

Recent headlines are reporting on many of the important health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids. “Study Reveals DHA Improves Brain Health in the Elderly”, “Omega-3s May Reduce Risks of Heart Failure”, “Reduce Risk of Heart Disease – Take Your Omega-3s!” and “Improving Joint Mobility with Omega-3 Oils” are but a few examples of the exciting and compelling reports and scientific studies being published.

Barlean’s understands the importance of integrating Omega-3 fatty acids into your daily diet, and offers a complete line of Total Omega, Omega Swirl, and Total Omega Swirl Vegan products for those who aspire to nutritionally support heart health. Every once-a-day serving is loaded with nearly 7,000 milligrams of Omega-3 (LNA, DHA, EPA), as well as 2,500 milligrams of Omega-6 and 2,500 milligrams of Omega-9. Derived from natural, unrefined flaxseed oil, fish oil, and borage oil, Barlean’s Total Omega is truly a superior product for complete Omega nutrition. With Barlean’s, improving heart health has never been easier!

Barlean’s and Brain Health

Barlean’s Total Omega Vegan Swirl uses the same algal DHA that was included in a study reported by Alzheimer’s & Dementia, the official journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. The Memory Improvement with Docasahexenoic Acid Study (MIDAS) studied the effects of algal DHA on elderly subjects with “age-related cognitive decline.” These individuals all were characterized by having mild memory degeneration. Their findings reveal that those supplemented with DHA showed a benefit “roughly equivalent to having the learning and memory skills of someone three years younger” while having almost double the reduction in errors compared to the placebo subjects.

This study puts into perspective how a daily dose of DHA can significantly improve cognitive function in the elderly. Supplementing with DHA early on can bolster brain health and reduce or reverse the effects of memory degeneration.

Barlean’s Total Omega Vegan Swirl includes flaxseed oil and Borage oil, providing a master blend of Omega-3, 6, & 9 to foster overall health, in addition to having 100% vegetarian plant-based DHA. With its natural pomegranate and blueberry flavor, nourishing brain health, memory and cognitive function has never been easier or more delicious. It is no wonder that the Omega Swirls were voted Best Product of the Year by esteemed health magazines and Gold Medal from the American Masters of Taste.

Barlean’s and Heart Health - Reducing risk for heart disease by 50% with Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Two indepentant studies, one report in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition and another in Journal of Nutrition, have linked consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids to reduced risk of coronary heart disease and improved cardiovascular health.

The reported study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition linked consumption of Omega-3 content derived from fish to a reduction in the risk of heart failure in women by up to 25 percent. The researchers concluded that Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contributed to improvements in blood lipid levels, blood pressure, heart rate, and overall vascular health.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which can be found in abundance in marine sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, have long been linked to other health benefits, including improved mood, behavior, proper development of babies, and a reduced risk in certain cancers and heart diseases.

Another larger study assessing more than 21,000 participants for a period of over 11 years found that a daily intake of EPA and DHA of about 240 mgs is associated with a 50% risk reduction for coronary heart disease (CHD). The study is published in the Journal of Nutrition and was done in the Netherlands. Subjects were between the ages of 20 and 65. (Source: Journal of Nutrition Published online ahead of print, doi:10.3945/jn.109.119271 “Marine (n-3) Fatty Acids, Fish Consumption, and the 10-Year Risk of Fatal and Nonfatal Coronary Heart Disease in a Large Population of Dutch Adults with a Low Fish Intake” Authors: J. de Goede, J.M. Geleijnse, J.M. A. Boer, D. Kromhout, W. M.M. Verschuren)

Barlean’s Innovation - Barlean’s Omega Swirl is 90% More Bio-available than Standard Fish Oil!

Omega-3s have been linked to many areas of support for good health. Barlean’s knows that ingesting 240 mgs of combined EPA/DHA is easy! How about adding increased bioavailability and delicious taste to that EPA/DHA? Barlean’s Lemon Zest Omega Swirl and new Total Omega Swirl are perfect choices!

The clinical study conducted by The Centre for Nutritional Studies shows that Barlean’s Omega Swirl, a lemon flavored, emulsified fish oil product was found to be 90% more bio-available than standard fish oil. In the study, the total percentage of oil that reached the blood stream was 10-times greater with Omega Swirl than the same dose of fish oil. Theoretically, it could take up to 20 standard fish oil gelcaps to equal the amount of Omega-3 delivered to the bloodstream by just one, two tsp. dose of Omega Swirl.

The proprietary Swirl technology developed by Barlean’s creates a product resembling the taste and texture of a fruit smoothie – while significantly reducing the size of fish and flax oil molecules – allowing the oil to more efficiently pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream.

Principal researcher Dr. Tom Gilhooly stated that in light of the extraordinary result of this preliminary study an expanded, peer-reviewed study is merited. Blood analysis was performed by Stirling University in Scotland, renowned for cutting edge Omega-3 science. The latest “Ideal Omega” blood testing technology was used in the study.

Today’s Diet Needs Omega-3 Supplements

Over a hundred years ago wild game, fish, eggs and whole grains were sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. Today the milling of grain removes the fatty acids. Other essential nutrients are added back into flour except the fatty acids because they reduce the shelf life of the flour. Laying hens, even the ones advertised as "free range," have no access to Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. Eggs now provide little Omega-3. Essential Omega-3 fats are missing from the food chain and Americans are paying a steep price for this in poor health.

Even with supplementation it takes months to replenish the body with Omega-3 fatty acids. Both fish and flax provide the essential Omega-3 fatty acids. But only flax, with a 4-to-1 ratio of Omega-3 over Omega-6 fatty acids, can quickly rebalance the body with essential Omega-3s. One tablespoon of flax seed oil provides 5000 mg. of Omega-3 oil, which is equal to 5 to 10 fish oil capsules. No wonder Dave Barlean gave up his fishing boat to press flax seed. Until Omega-3 oils are replaced in the food chain, Barlean's has some tall orders to fill.

Barlean’s Omega Swirls have won multiple “Best of Supplement” and “Tasters Choice” awards and have captured national media attention.

Omega Swirl Omega-3 Flax Oil (Strawberry Banana 16 oz)*
Omega Swirl Omega-3 Flax Oil (Strawberry Banana 16 oz)* Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Omega Swirl strawberry-banana flavor looks and tastes like a fruit smoothie, yet provides optimal levels of vital and essential Omega-3 EPA/DHA to bring you vibrant health and energy.
Highest Lignan Flax Oil (1000mg (250 softgels)
Highest Lignan Flax Oil (1000mg (250 softgels) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Pure, Unfiltered and Unrefined Barlean's Lignan Flax Oil Capsules are a rich source of essential omega-3 fatty acids and a foundational addition for sustaining a healthy diet.
Total Omega 3-6-9 (90 capsules)
Total Omega 3-6-9 (90 capsules) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Total Omega master blend combines of the "best of the Barlean's" ­ our renowned 100% Organic Flaxseed oil, Fresh Catch Fish Oil, and Pure Borage Seed oil ­ for a truly superior and complete omega 3, 6, 9 nutrition source. Non-GMO and Gluten Free
Total Omega 3-6-9 (Lemonade -16 oz)
Total Omega 3-6-9 (Lemonade -16 oz) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Omega-3 fatty acids directly affect brain development, making it crucial for expectant mothers. Total Omega 3-6-9 is a great choice for those seeking a well balanced nutritional supplement. Gluten Free and Non-GMO
Barlean's Omega Burst (30 softchews)
Barlean's Omega Burst (30 softchews) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Children need Omega-3's in their diet and Barlean's Omega Burst is a fun, great tasting supplement naturally rich in vital and essential Omega 3 fatty acids.
Lignan Omega Twin (120 softgels)
Lignan Omega Twin (120 softgels) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Nurture and nourish your body with Barlean
Lignan Omega Twin (60 softgels)
Lignan Omega Twin (60 softgels) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Nurture and nourish your body with Barleans Lignan Omega Twin softgels, fresh from our hand-crafted press and abundant in Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids and vital flax lignans. Each drop is pure and pristine, unrefined and unfiltered to bring you vibrant health and energy.
Borage Oil (30 soft gels)
Borage Oil (30 soft gels) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Borage seed oil is highly prized for its extremely high content of a special fatty acid called Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA). Unffiltered, Unrefined, 100% Free of Pesticides, Herbicides and harmful chemicals.
Borage Oil (60 soft gels)
Borage Oil (60 soft gels) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Barlean Borage Oil. Cold Pressed Fresh™. Natures most abundant source of Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA).
EFA Orega (1 oz)
EFA Orega (1 oz) North American Herb and Spice

North American Herb and Spice
Unique source of essential fatty acids from berry seeds
Mega EFA Blend ( 16 oz )
Mega EFA Blend  ( 16 oz ) Nature's Way

Nature's Way
MEGA is a complete daily source of Omega-3/6/9 fatty acids for healthy skin, joints, hormonal balance & cardiovascular function
Flax-O-Mega Flax Oil (90 softgels)
Flax-O-Mega Flax Oil (90 softgels) Flora

Flora's Flax-O-Mega provides over 1500 mg of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids per 2 capsule serving.
Forti-Flax Organic Ground Flax Seed (16 oz)
Forti-Flax Organic Ground Flax Seed (16 oz) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Barlean's Forti-Flax a rich source of Omega-3, dietary fiber, protein, mucilage and phenolic compounds, vitamins, major and trace minerals and amino acids. Freshly cold-milled, 100% certified organic, Kosher certified, pesticide and herbicide free, select flax seeds from North America.
Essential Woman (120 softgels)
Essential Woman (120 softgels) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Essential Woman (60 softgels)
Essential Woman (60 softgels) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
ProOmega Liquid (8 oz)*
ProOmega Liquid (8 oz)* Nordic Naturals

Nordic Naturals
Pharmacuetical grade Proomega liquid providing the highest levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA a total of 3202 mg of omegas.
Mega-DHA ( 60 softgel )
Mega-DHA  ( 60 softgel ) Nature's Way

Nature's Way
Mega-DHA is ideal as a prenatal and nursing supplement. DHA is also essential to proper eye and brain development within infants (before and after birth) and is an important component of human breast milk.
EFA Gold - Mega Omega 369 Blend (90 caps)
EFA Gold - Mega Omega 369 Blend (90 caps) Nature's Way

Nature's Way
Nature's Way EFA Gold MEGA EFA Blend provides an essential balance of omega-3/6/9 fatty acids, which can improve cardiovascular health, as well as build healthy bones, and contribute to healthy brain function in children.
Everyone's Omega, Fish & Flax Oil (60 soft gels)*
Everyone's Omega, Fish & Flax Oil (60 soft gels)* Rainbow Light

Rainbow Light
Everyone's Omega Fish & Flax Oil Just one softgel per day equals 2 servings of fish per week! Omegas from fish & flax plus vitamin D.
Barlean's Greens (9.3 oz)
Barlean's Greens (9.3 oz) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Original Barlean's Greens triple potency formula provides you with the benefits of over 7000 mg of concentrated organic green superfoods per serving.
Norwegian Gold Critical DHA (60 fish gels)*
Norwegian Gold Critical DHA (60 fish gels)* Renew Life

Renew Life
The World Health Organization recommends at least 2 grams of Omega-3 oils per day. Because the body does not produce these beneficial fats, the only way to get them is through diet or supplementation.
Mega GLA with Sesame Lignans (60 softgels)*
Mega GLA with Sesame Lignans (60 softgels)* Life Extension

Life Extension
Mega GLA with Sesame Lignans - Omega-6 fatty acids are well-supplied in the diet by meat and vegetable oils. However, not all omega-6 fatty acids are of equal value.
Norwegian Gold Critical Omega (60 fish gels)*
Norwegian Gold Critical Omega (60 fish gels)* Renew Life

Renew Life
Norwegian Gold Critical Omega is an ultra-concentrated Omega-3 fish oil supplement with more than 85% total Omega concentration.
Wholemega (1000mg 120 caps)*
Wholemega (1000mg 120 caps)* New Chapter Nutrition

New Chapter Nutrition
Wholemega | 1000mg | 120 caps
EFA Gold - MEGA EFA 3/6/9 Omega Blend (180 softgels)
EFA Gold - MEGA EFA 3/6/9 Omega Blend (180 softgels) Nature's Way

Nature's Way
Nature's Way EFA Gold MEGA EFA Blend provides a healthy balance of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids, which aid in healthy brain development, build strong bones, and increase cardiovascular health, while reducing the risk of cancer and stroke.
Norwegian Gold Super Critical Omega (30 fish gels) *
Norwegian Gold Super Critical Omega (30 fish gels) * Renew Life

Renew Life
Leading the way in Omega-3 supplementation, Norwegian Gold Ultimate Fish Oils combine concentrated EPA, DHA and other powerful Omega oils to promote optimum digestive function and enhance overall health.
Coromega w/ Hint of Chocolate (90 paks)
Coromega w/ Hint of Chocolate  (90 paks) Coromega

Coromega Omega-3 fatty acids help build strong bones and a healthy nervous system, while improving focus and overall health. Great tasting orange flavor with a hint of chocolate.
Cold Milled Flax seeds (17 oz)*
Cold Milled Flax seeds (17 oz)* Jarrow Formulas

Jarrow Formulas
Get your daily dose of Omega-3 with the added benefit of dietary fiber. Certified Organic Cold Milled Flax Seeds.
Olive Leaf Complex (16 oz)
Olive Leaf Complex  (16 oz) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
More than an extract and better than dried and processed pills, Barlean’s Olive Leaf Complex contains a broad spectrum of beneficial olive leaf actives resulting in a powerful synergy for your vibrant health and energy.
Flax Oil Capsules (1000 mg 250 capsules)
Flax Oil Capsules (1000 mg 250 capsules) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Award Winning, Best Selling Organic Flax Oil softgel
Coromega Lemon-Lime Flavor (90 pak)
Coromega Lemon-Lime Flavor  (90 pak) Coromega

Lemon-lime flavored Coromega features an essential blend of fatty acids and vitamins, working to improve flexibility, brain and heart health, and energy levels. The easiest and tastiest way to take Fish Oils. On the go travel packs.
High Lignan Flax Oil, certified organic (8.5 oz)*
High Lignan Flax Oil, certified organic (8.5 oz)* Flora

Flora's Flax Oil is high in Omega-3 & -6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) which are important for proper immune system development, good muscle tone, soft smooth skin, and for maintaining a strong circulatory system.
vitomega men (90 vtabs)
vitomega men (90 vtabs) Futurebiotics

VitOmegaMen™ contains Caromin®, a premium, full-spectrum carotenoid complex, providing vitamin A activity, which naturally contains alpha-, beta- and gamma-carotene and lycopene. Full-spectrum, natural-source Vitamin E, providing d-alpha, d-beta, d-gamma and d-delta tocopherols, plus a full array of tocotrienols from Tocomin®, are also included.
Omega Essentials (90 softgel)
Omega Essentials (90 softgel) American Biologics

American Biologics
Ultra Omega Essentials facilitates a wide range of cell functions and provides a wide range of benefits to health and well-being. Ultra Omega Essentials is a key complement to American Biologics Multiplex Advanced.
Omega-3 EFA from Chia Seed Oil (90 caps)|Chia Fresh
Omega-3 EFA from Chia Seed Oil (90 caps)|Chia Fresh GAIA Herbs

GAIA Herbs
ChiaFresh is the only chia seed oil made using a proprietary Supercritical CO2 Extraction process which provides optimal stability and preserves freshness.
High Lignan Flax Oil, certified organic (17 oz)*
High Lignan Flax Oil, certified organic (17 oz)* Flora

Flora's Flax Oil is high in Omega-3 & -6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) which are important for proper immune system development, good muscle tone, soft smooth skin, and for maintaining a strong circulatory system.
Flax Oil Certified Organic 17oz
Flax Oil Certified Organic 17oz Flora

Fresh Pressed Daily-from the finest grade organic flax seeds available.
ProDHA* (120 caps)
ProDHA* (120 caps) Nordic Naturals

Nordic Naturals
Nordic Naturals' ProDHA Fish Oil provides high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to better memory retention, healthy brain development, and higher focus and concentration.
Coromega Orange Flavor (90 paks)
Coromega Orange Flavor (90 paks) Coromega

Coromega orange flavor is a delicious non gelatin based fish oil supplement, offering Omega-3 fatty acids that contribute to concentration and focus, as well as reduce the risk for heart attack and alleviate pain from arthritis.
PFO Pure Fish Oil (90 caps)
PFO Pure Fish Oil (90 caps) Health From The Sea

Health From The Sea
Health From The Sea's PFO Pure Fish Oil offers a natural way to improve heart health, while also increasing brain function and alleviating joint stiffness.
Balanced Omega Combination (180 caps) *
Balanced Omega Combination (180 caps) * Nordic Naturals

Nordic Naturals
A balanced combination of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids provides optimal levels of nutrients. .
Omega Essential Balance 3-6-9 (12 oz)
Omega Essential Balance 3-6-9 (12 oz) Jarrow Formulas

Jarrow Formulas
Essential Balance
Norwegian Gold Daily Omega (60 fish gels)*
Norwegian Gold Daily Omega (60 fish gels)* Renew Life

Renew Life
Ideal for daily health maintenance, Daily Omega utilizes the combined benefits of EPA, DHA and other Omega-3 and Omega-9 oils to nourish and support your daily health.
What about adding Omega-3 "for Pets" to my pet's diet? (16 oz) *
What about adding Omega-3

Nordic Naturals
Nordic Naturals omega-3 fish oil products for Pets are specifically formulated to maximize the health benefits for dog and cat companions.
Omega Man (120 softgels)
Omega Man (120 softgels) Barleans Organic Oils

Barleans Organic Oils
Omega Man is for men of all ages who are interested in maintaining a youthful physique and appearance, sustaining peak athletic performance, supporting heart health and the preservation of healthy prostate tissue.
Gummy Omegalicious (30 packets)*
Gummy Omegalicious (30 packets)* Rainbow Light

Rainbow Light
Gummy Omegalicious Omega 3 Formula - Delicious sour gummy berries deliver pure, optimal-potency omega 3 fish oils
OmegaChia Oil (120 softgels)
OmegaChia Oil (120 softgels) Source Naturals

Source Naturals
Highest Known Plant Source of Omega-3's the OmegaChia Oil capsules are a pleasant alternative to fish oil capsules.
Omega 3 chews (30 Soft Chews)
Omega 3 chews (30 Soft Chews) Irwin Naturals

Irwin Naturals
Every tasty Chewy Fruity Soft Chew contains a full 100 mg of brain boosting EPA and DHA Essential Fatty Acids. MEG-3 is a purified fish oil that provides beneficial and balanced amounts of EPA and DHA to Omega 3 chews
omega-7plus (30 Licaps)
omega-7plus (30 Licaps) Futurebiotics

Omega-7Plus™ supplies these important nutrients with an Age-Defying Skin Complex including Liquid Silica, Biotin, Hyaluronic Acid and CoQ10 and combines them in a special 100% vegetarian liquid delivery system, Licaps®.
ProOmega (60 softgels unflavored)*
ProOmega (60 softgels unflavored)* Nordic Naturals

Nordic Naturals
Proomega|unflavored from Nordic Naturals supplies the body with highly concentrated forms of DHA and EPA, essential fatty acids which promote a healthy brain and heart.
Omega-7 Sea Buckthorn Oil (60 softgels)
Omega-7 Sea Buckthorn Oil (60 softgels) Terry Naturally

Terry Naturally
Omega-7 containing Sea Buckthorn Oil hand harvested from buckthorn berries.
Veterinary Strength Omega-3 (60 gel caps)*
Veterinary Strength Omega-3 (60 gel caps)* Renew Life

Renew Life
Omega-3 oils
Complete Essential Fatty Acids (796 mg 120 softgels)*
Complete Essential Fatty Acids (796 mg 120 softgels)* Source Naturals

Source Naturals
Source Naturals Complete Essential Fatty Acids is an excellent blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Plays important roles in support of cerebral development throughout the life cycle, especially during the crucial period of fetal development and infancy.
Super Omega 3-6-9 (180 softgels 1200 mg)
Super Omega 3-6-9 (180 softgels 1200  mg) NOW Foods

NOW Foods
This combination of well-known nutritional oils provides a unique balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids plus Omega-9, a non-essential, but beneficial fatty acid
ProEFA Liquid (8 fl.oz)*
ProEFA Liquid (8 fl.oz)* Nordic Naturals

Nordic Naturals
This fish oil form is Pharmaceutical Grade, Distilled for Purity, fresh water Omega-3 high in Essential fatty acids for overall health.
Eskimo Kids - Tutti-Frutti Flavor (3.5 oz)
Eskimo Kids - Tutti-Frutti Flavor (3.5 oz) Enzymatic Therapy

Enzymatic Therapy
The omega-3s in fish oil support heart, brain, and joint health for your growing children. Eskimo Kids is clinically-studied great tasting natural fish oil supplement supporting focus and attention in kids.
Omega-3 1000 mg Cholesterol Free (180 Softgels)
Omega-3 1000 mg Cholesterol Free (180 Softgels) NOW Foods

NOW Foods
The Natural Fish Oil Concentrate used in this softgel is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is screened for the absence of potentially harmful levels of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCB's, dioxins, and other contaminants). This Fish Oil Concentrate is primarily derived from sardines, anchovies and mackerel. In 2004 the FDA released a qualified claim supporting the use of omega-3 products for the prevention of heart disease.* From the FDA's website: "Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. FDA evaluated the data and determined that, although there is scientific evidence supporting the claim, the evidence is not conclusive (see nutrition information for fat content)". Read more about Omega-3 Fish Oils from Your Health Professor Product FAQ's Related Products
Arctic Omega | Lemon (180 softgels)*
Arctic Omega | Lemon (180 softgels)* Nordic Naturals

Nordic Naturals
Arctic Omega - Nordic Naturals - Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil
Essential Living Oils (60 capsules)
Essential Living Oils (60 capsules) Dr. Ohhira's

Dr. Ohhira's
Vegan Alternative to Fish Oils containing eight high-quality plants and seeds which provide essential fatty acids supporting optimal health. Contains: Rice Bran Oil, Borage Oil, Sunflower Oil, Avocado Oil, Perilla Oil, Flax Oil, Green Tea Oil, Olive Oil
1. Statements and claims on have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or diagnose any ailment or disease.

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SMart Q10 Vitaline CoQ10 Chewable 200mg (30 tabs) Enzymatic Therapy

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Biotivia Transmax rated best resveratrol supplement by Men's Health Magazine. On Sale. Lowest Price. Too Low to be advertised. contact us today!

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Zyflamend Bonus Pack

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ProOmega Junior (90 Soft Gels)* Nordic Naturals

Angioprim | Liquid Oral EDTA Chelation Angioprim International

Magnesium liquid (17 oz) Flora Health, Floradix

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