Flax Oil Capsules (1000 mg 250 capsules)
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Updated May. 16, 2018,
about 6 years ago
You have reached Flax Oil Capsules (1000 mg 250 capsules) on Seacoast.com from the manufacturer Barleans Organic Oils. We're proud to have served 0 customers since 05/16/2018 who were also interested in purchasing Flax Oil Capsules (1000 mg 250 capsules). It currently ranks as our 4 most popular natural health product.
Technical Flax Oil Capsules (1000 mg 250 capsules) Details: Locate this product using sku number or ISBN . For shipping, the weight is equal to 0.85 pounds and is currently out of stock. Typical inquiries include , and natural health. Seacoast Vitamins offers this product at a $3.42 discount off of the suggested retail price $32.3700. Our price is $28.9500.
UPC: 705875100021
Distributed or manufactured from Barleans Organic Oils. See more Barleans Organic Oils products.
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