
Submitted Questions

    Product: Managing Acid Reflux
    Asked on: November 26, 2012
    Question: Home remedies for aciitdy: Drinking milk or eating milk products are helpful in relieving symptoms of aciitdy. Foods such as pickles, vinegar, fried foods, hot spicy foods, chocolate, pastries, and raw salad vegetables like onion, radish, cabbage, and peppers should be avoided. Clove also helps to relieve the symptoms of aciitdy. Suck one piece of clove slowly to relieve the symptoms. It also helps to reduce the onset of disease that arises due to aciitdy. A cup of vanilla ice cream or a glass of cold milk also helps to get relieve heartburn and aciitdy within minutes. Almonds are also a good source for relieving the heartburn and aciitdy. Eat several almonds when heartburn symptoms persist. Lemons also help to prevent heartburn. Cut a lemon into thin strips and dip in salt. Eat before meals to prevent heartburn. Take some mint leaves and chop these and then boil in a cup of water and sip slowly after meals. If a person drinks Fresh mint juice every day he will never experience aciitdy. Jaggery or gur taken after every meal also helps to reduce the aciitdy. Keep a piece of gur in the mouth and slowly suck it till aciitdy decreases. Eating bananas is also helpful in preventing the symptoms of aciitdy and heartburn. To prevent aciitdy it is advised to eat a banana daily. A mixture of 2 tsp of natural apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp raw honey in a glass of water before meals fights with aciitdy. Basil (tulsi) leaves helps to get relief from burning, nausea and gas. Chew some leaves of tulsi to decrease the aciitdy. Coconut water 4-5 times a day decreases the symptoms of the aciitdy and the heartburn. Harad (Terminalia chebula) if taken after every meal prevents the symptoms of the aciitdy. 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice helps to prevent aciitdy and heartburn. Boil one cup of water. To this add 1 tsp of Aniseed (Saunf). Cover and leave overnight. Strain the water in the morning, add 1 tsp of honey. When this is taken 3 times a day it prevents aciitdy. To 1 bd liters of water add 1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera). Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Sip while warm. Take this liquid 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days. It will decrease the aciitdy. Take a glass of water, add a pinch of baking soda and drink it. It gives immediate relief from aciitdy. Take a glass of warm water, add a pinch of hing (asafoetida) and have it every morning to prevent aciitdy. Eat a serving of cucumber or watermelon 4-5 times in a day to fight against aciitdy. Fennel helps to relieve abdominal pain, colon disorders, gas, and gastrointestinal tract spasms. It is an effective remedy for acidic stomach conditions (heartburn). Ginger is very useful for digestive disorders. It help to relieve indigestion from rich foods. Make a fine powder by adding equal amounts of ginger powder, black pepper, dried mint leaves, asafetida (hing), anise seeds, coriander seeds, cumin, fennel and common salt. Dosage: Take about 1 teaspoon of this powder with water, twice a day after meals. It is advised to eat 8-10 glass to water daily. Drinking water gives immediate relief to symptoms like wind, distended stomach and aciitdy. Chewing bubble-gum also disappears the aciitdy. This is an easy and best way to get rid of Acidity. For heartburn drink a teaspoon of vinegar. It is because there is not sufficient acid in our stomach to digest food properly, thus gasses come back up and burn our stomach. Calcium also helps to fight with the heartburn and aciitdy. Yoghurt or ice-cream gives immediate relief from aciitdy and heartburn. 1 tsp juice of chebulic myroblan mixed with 1 tsp of amla (Indian gooseberry) juice daily relieves aciitdy. Powder one clove and one cardamom use the powder as a mouth freshener after every meal. No more aciitdy and no more bad breathe. After food maintain an upright posture to prevent the reflex and to prevent the symptoms of aciitdy. Sleep with your head and shoulder on a high pillow for elevation. Do not skip meals. Do not keep large gap between meals. This produces gas wind. Eat dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed. Last but not the least stop smoking and cut down on alcohol.
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      Product: L-Lysine | 500mg | 250 tabs*
      Asked on: November 26, 2012
      Question: The second lendiag supplement after lysine is an herbal cream: MelissaWhen you first feel the tingling that announces a cold sore, apply melissa to the affected area. Made from the powerful antiviral herb Melissa officinalis, or lemon balm, melissa cream helps sores heal more quickly and may also prevent recurrences. As an alternative you can prepare a melissa tea, by steeping 2 to 3 tablespoons of the herb in a cup of very hot water for 15 minutes. Once the liquid has cooled, apply it externally to the cold sore using a cotton ball. Self-Care RemediesApplying ice to a cold sore for a few minutes several times a day eases pain and helps dry out the sore. Wrap the ice in a moist washcloth before applying it. Compresses made with the herb hyssop can be directly applied to the cold sores. Make an infusion solution by using one ounce of dried herb per pint of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes and allow to cool before using. To avoid spreading the virus, don't touch active blisters and don't share personal items such as drinking glasses, toothbrushes, razors, or towels. If you are prone to cold sore outbreaks, always apply sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) to your lips before going out into the sun. The amino acid arginine is thought to play a role in reactivating the cold sore virus. To prevent recurrences, avoid chocolate, nuts, whole-grain cereals, and gelatin, which are all rich in arginine. Eat more kidney beans, split peas, and corn, which are rich in lysine. Yoga, meditation, and other mind-body techniques help relieve stress, a possible cold sore trigger. Do not pick or squeeze a cold sore blister or scab. This can cause it to spread and impede the healing process. Keep lips moisturized at all times by using a lip balm. Dry, chapped, or cracked lips can be more susceptible to an outbreak. What causes cold sores?when the immune system is weakened by a cold or fever. New outbreaks can recur as frequently as every few weeks or as rarely as every few years. Other factors that can reactivate the cold sore virus include fatigue, stress, menstruation, and exposure to sun and wind. High blood levels of the amino acid arginine allows the cold sore virus to thrive arginine is present in large amounts in chocolate, nuts, whole-grain cereals, and gelatin.On the other hand, eating foods high in another amino acid, lysine, (corn, kidney beans, split peas) may drive down levels of arginine.
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        Product: Fermented Soy Essence (1 lbs)
        Asked on: November 26, 2012
        Question: Yes. We had the same question about our son for puittng on weight. As long as you follow the instructions for the powder it should be okay.GNC is a great place to get your needs met, be sure to talk to the store employees there, they are knowledgable and will be able to help you find the right products for you. Be prepared to spend a lot of , some of the supplements are expensive.Be sure to eat other healthy foods, get those muscle building exercises in place and drink plenty of water.Good luck!
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          Product: Sinus Rescue (60 Tabs)
          Asked on: November 26, 2012
          Question: Well, Bubbles, I think it's a yicky year for lotsa people. Around here it's been one thing after athnoer also. I had a cold, and the I thought a sinus infection, now I've decided my lungs felt left out so they're beating each other up to see who can cough out of my mouth first. I think it's just a particularly rough year for virus and sickness. Of course, this is Texas and we tend to be hot and cold from 10 minutes to the next which does not help the immunie system. Just keep taking your vitamins, but up the C to about 5000 mg a day. Drink lots of orange juice and eat lots of broccoli. I have a great fresh salsa recipe that would probably boost everything too. I miss you. Take some soup, pop some pills, and miss me lots. (Watch a good movie too!)
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            Product: Vitamin D3 10000 IU (360 Gels)
            Asked on: November 26, 2012
            Question: Dec21 Great review! I aeaipcrpte the kind words towards my song SpearFish , the instrumental you mentioned. Uloops has been a revelation to me, quite possibly the funnest piece of audio kit I've ever used. I'm a professional musician whose recorded on Tascam PortaStudios, reel to reel multi-tracks and most of the Digital Audio Workstations. While those are great, there is something that is just so cool about being able to kick back on the couch with your mobile phone and record a track! If inspiration strikes in the car, grocery, waiting room? Boom, studio in your pocket. You mentioned the community aspect which I feel is the real groundbreaking element here. Artists thousands of miles from one another can collaborate. Artists can comment and give advice on each others music. And best of all, artists can become fans of each others music, in a sincere way. This isn't label mates pushing each others latest CD for more sales and money just dedicated musicians sharing great music.With really good sounds, a great interface and a community full of talented artists, Uloops is on the cutting edge of music production software and mobile communications. Highly recommended!
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              Product: CoQ10 100 mg with Hawthorn Berry Vegetarian (30 vcaps)
              Asked on: November 26, 2012
              Question: Furrleaz? That's marvelously good to know.
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                Product: Super E-Com (400 IU 250 softgels)
                Asked on: November 26, 2012
                Question: Can u lose weight
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                  Product: Magnesium-Potassium (120 capsules)
                  Asked on: November 26, 2012
                  Question: I find this article quite auctrace:The best forms of magnesium are magnesium taurate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate, magnesium malate, magnesium oratate and magnesium oil. Oral supllementsI will mention some of the oral supplements. Magnesium is available in chelated (bound to) combinations such as alpha-ketogluconate, aspartate, glycinate, lysinate, orotate, taurate and others. Chalated magnesium is far better absorbed than magnesium oxide but is more expensive. Complementary medicine practitioners rely on chelated magnesium, such as magnesium glycinate, taurate and oratate (magnesium plus amino acids) to treat serious cases of magnesium deficiency. These kind of magnesiums have less laxative effect on the intestines than magnesium citrate, so they are recomended if you tend to have loose stools.Magnesium taurate is a combination of the amino acid taurine and magnesium that has special properties for the heart. Taken together in this combination, magnesium and taurine have a synergistic effect, stabilizing cell membranes, making this form of magnesium highly absorbed. Magnesium taurate does not have great laxative effect and is the recommendend form of magnesium for people with heart problems. It appears that the amino acid taurine is important for hearth health and may prevent arrythmias and protect the heart against the damage caused by heart attacks. Magnesium taurate requires oral supplemetation for six to twelve months to restore intracellular levels. Magnesium citrate is probably the mostly widely used magnesium supplement because it is inexpensive, easily absorbed and only has a mild laxative effect. The best form is magnesium citrate powder mixed in water that can be taken everyday. Magnesium malate combines magnisium with malic acid, a weak organic acid found in vegetables and fruit, especially apples. The weak bond with magnesium makes it readily soluble in the body. Malic acid is a key component of several energy making chemical reactions in the body. Researchers have used magnesium malate succesfully to treat the chronic fatigue, pain and imsonia of fibromyalgia. Dimagnesium malate increases the amount of magnesium available to the body it has the same properties as magnesium malate. Magnesium oxide appears to have high amount of elemental magnesium. One 500 mg capsule of magnesium oxide contains 300 mg of elemental magnesium. But little of that amount is avaialable to the body beacause it is not absorbed and therefore not biologically avaialable. One recent study reported 4 percent absorption rate of magnesium oxide. This means 12 mg of 500 mg capsule are absorbed and 288 may stay in the intestines, acting like a laxative. Imagine how much favorable the result would be if a more absorbable form of magnesium were used. Magnesiums to avoidAvoid magnesium glutamate it breaks down into the neurotransmitter glutamic acid, which without being bound to other amino acids is neurotoxic. Glutamic acid is a component of aspartame, which should also be avoided. Avoid magnesium aspartate it breaks down into the neurotransmitter aspartic acid, which without being bound to other aminoacids is neurotoxic. Aspartic acid is a component of aspartame,which als should be avoided. How to take magnesiumTake your first dose of magnesium when you wake up in the morning and the last dose at bedtime. Magnesium is most deficient in the early morning and late afternoon. Most people find magnesium as good as a sleepin pill to help them get a good nights rest. Magnesium can be taken with or without meals, but it is preferable to take it between meals for better absorption. Magnesium requires stomach acid to be absorbed. After a full meal, your stomach acid is busy digesting food and may not be avaialable to helpl absorb magnesium. Also magnesium is an alkaline mineral and acts like an antiacid: taken with meals, it may neutralize stomach acid and impair digestion. If you develop loose stools while taking magnesium, it does not necessarily mean you are absorbing enough and losing the rest it may mean you are taking to much at one time. NEVER TAKE YOUR DAILY MAGNESIUM ALL AT ONCE. Spread it out throughthe day four times a day is best if you have been experiencing diarrhea. If that does not do the trick, you probably need to cut back the amount you are taking or switch to another type or brand of magnesium. If you are taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement, remember to check the amount of elemental magnesium on the label and count it in your daily total. The safety of magnesium supplementsFor the average person, oral magnesium, even in high dosages, has no side effects except loose stools, whichs is a mechanism to release excess magnesium and an indication to cut back. Excess magnesium is also lost through the urine.
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                    Product: Osteo Bone Health (90 caps)*
                    Asked on: November 26, 2012
                    Question: : gedara ianawna kiyanne, gedarin eliyata yawenne weekend witharayi. iskole haamine gedara enakam babaa balaagannath , eeta passe raa 1.30 wenakm wada karannath giyaama mata blog liyanna welaawa madi. babaa balaagaththa rosalin undaa gedara gihin aye awe naha. me maase anthimata examuth thiyenawaa. Hafoi hafoi .amaaruwen tika tika liyapu lipiyak thiyenawaa, heta withara ivara weyi.
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                      Product: Grape Seed Extract Proanthodyn (200 mg-30 caps)*
                      Asked on: November 26, 2012
                      Question: definately take Cayenne the hottest you can find plrefrabey in tincture or tea form organic with raw garlic..this will reverse artery plague and thus widen the blood vessels which reduces the blood pressureother foods that help..celery, garlic. fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, herring and sardines), fruits, veggies, extra virgin olive oil (the only kind with the health benefits), high calcium foods, high potassium foods.these came from Jean carper's book food your miracle medicine and this is a fantastic book very cheap on ebay..the chapter on blood pressure (she covers tons of illnesses and problems) tell more details of the studies related to that foo. the book is based on 10,000 medical studies.rats given celery saw the upper number sink about 12-14 after a few weeks..this is equal in humans to eating 4 stalks of celery a day..the active chemical in celery is found in few other veggiesa few cloves of raw garlic dropped bp some..the garlic group after three months in the study dropped from 171102 to 15289 while the placebo group stayed the same..both raw and cooked benefit bp but raw is more potent.those taking 200 mg of omega three fatty acids for three months saw a drop of 4.4 diastolic and 6.5 systolic..that is the amount of 3 12 oz of fresh mackerel, 4 oz of canned salmon or mackerel or 7 oz of sardines.some other studies found yo nee a minimum of three servings of fish a week..if they added fish oil to the fish, the bp did not drop any lowerswitching to a vegetarian diet definitely helps studies related to htis concluded that curbing total fat or saturated animal fat did not help at all as far as bp (blood pressure)fiber in fruits proved stronger than fiber in cereals fro bl lowering.vit c or at least an amount in an orange or green pepper dailypotassium helps after a year on a high potassium diet, 81 of a group of patients needy only half as much bp meds also 38 could get off meds totally they ate 3-6 servings of high potassium food a dayhighest sources blackstrap molasses 2400 MG. next is baked potatoes 844, cantaloupe 12 fruit825, avocado 74212 cup beet greens 654, 5 dried peach halves 645 10 dried prune halves 626 i cup tomato juice 536, i cup yogurt 530, 3 1.2 oz snapper 522, salmon 3 12 oz 490, other foods mentioned were soybeans,, Swiss chard dried apricots, OJ, pumpkin seeds, sweet potato, banana (451), almonds, spinach, and skim milkhigh calcium foods since there are many problems with milk, try to focus on green leafy veggies.and canned sardines and salmon with bones3 tbs of extra virgin olive oil lowered high blood pressure 9 AND 6 points respectively..even a mere 23 rds tbs reduced it 5 sys and 4 dia
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