
Submitted Questions

    Product: One 'n' Only Women's Formula (90 tabs)*
    Asked on: March 10, 2016
    Question: I'm on the go all the time and I don't eat as healthy as I should. Would this be a good multivitamin for me?
    • 0 0 A: One 'n' Only Women's Formula is a perfect way to to achieve your daily nutritional goals on the go. Multivitamins enhance the daily diet and should not necessarily replace consuming healthy foods of fruits and vegetables. Numerous studies have shown the health benefits and effectiveness in supplementing missing nutrients in the diet. A National Institute of Health (NIH) study found increased bone density and reduced fractures in post menopausal women who included calcium and vitamin D. Many American don't consume enough essential nutrients so supplementing with a high quality multivitamin like One 'n' Only can take up the nutritional slack.  Vote down - Vote up
    Product: Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox (12 day kit)*
    Asked on: March 10, 2016
    Question: How do I know if I need to use a detox?
    • 0 0 A: Your body will tell you! Getting your body clean and healthy can result in a wide range of positive effects. If any of the symptoms below effect you in anyway it's time for a cleanse. Fatigue, constipation, brain fog/focus, depression, weight gain, trouble sleeping, headaches, unexplained aches and pains, colds, flu, and skin problems. Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox is a 12 day cleanse to rejuvenate and detoxify the liver, colon, kidneys and lymphatic system. A detox works at the source of the problem, ridding the body of unwanted toxins and boosting the immune system leaving you feeling energize and renewed. Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox, formulated by Clinical Herbalist Dr. Terry Willard PH.D. has been rated the top detox supplement in Canada for decades. Vote down - Vote up
    Product: Cardio Chelate with EDTA (180 caps)
    Asked on: March 8, 2016
    Question: Will this do the same as the EDTA Keladine creme? Can we still purchase the Keladine creme?
    • 0 0 A: Seacoast offers two options for EDTA Chelation Therapy supporting cardiovascular health. Cardio Chelate with EDTA (180 capsules) by MRM is used effectively to promote cardiovascular health by cleansing the veins and arteries of harmful toxins. Angioprim by Angioprim International is a liquid oral chelation effective in purifying the bloodstream ensuring cardiovascular health and good circulation. Both are excellent choices for those looking for an alternative to enhance cardiovascular health. Read more about chelation therapy using the link below.   Vote down - Vote up
    Product: Black Elderberry Juice Concentrate (8 oz.)
    Asked on: March 4, 2016
    Question: My child has G6PD.Is Sambucol safe for him to take?
    • 0 0 A: Elderberry extract has long been used as an herbal remedy for cough, flu, respiratory infections and is beneficial in boosting the immune system. Although Elderberry extract from Dynamic Health does not state any contraindications and research has been extremely postive for it's positive effects, it is best to discuss consumption with your child's Doctor. Vote down - Vote up
    Product: Best Serrapeptase 40,000 Units (90 vegetable capsules)
    Asked on: March 2, 2016
    Question: Is this helpful for acetis - liver chirosis patient?
    • 0 0 A: Liver disease comes in many forms including liver cirrhosis. The causes can be many and varied including auto immune, alcohol poisoning, high sugar foods, starchy carbohydrates, chemical toxins and more. Chirrhosis is the replacment of normal liver tissue by scar tissue.  Serrapeptace which is a proteolytic enzyme derived from a species of bacteria originally found in the intestines of silkworms. The bacteria Serratia marcescens E1 produces Serrapeptase, an enzyme that enables the silkworm to dissolve its tough cocoon and emerge as the silkworm moth. Studies have shown that serrapeptase reduces scar tissue, improves tissue healing and significantly reduces inflammation.

      Serrapeptase also has the ability to digest non-living tissue that is a by-product of the healing response without harming living tissue. Serrapeptase is used to dissolve non-living tissues to include: scar tissue, fibrosis, blood clots, cysts and arterial plaque. Vote down - Vote up
    Product: Calm Child for Active Children (150 tablets)*
    Asked on: February 26, 2016
    Question: Do you have chewable tablets for smaller children?
    • 0 0 A: Calm Child is formulated in an easy to swallow tablets and also available in an herbal syrup. Especially formulated for small children unable to swallow tablets. This special blend of soothing botanicals chamomile, lemon balm and catnip, hawthorn, jujube, gotu kola extract and amla, support calm and focus in children. Children 1-5 years old may take 1/4 tsp 1-3 times daily. May be mixed with water, juice or taken directly. Vote down - Vote up
    Product: Pure Hawaiian Spirulina (1000mg) 180 tablets)*
    Asked on: February 24, 2016
    Question: What makes Hawaiian spirulina different than other spirulina?
    • 0 0 A: Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica is the only Spirulina grown with deep sea water providing essential trace minerals and elements. Nutrex has patented Ocean Chill Drying technology ensuring maximum nutrient levels. Grown in a Biosecure Zone, Nutrex Spirulina is free of pesticides, herbicides, gluten and lactose. Non-GMO Project Verified. Ideal for vegans. Nutrex spirulina meets 3 major requirements for certified organic. 1. No chemical fertilizers/ plant or animal waste products are used in production. 2. Hawaiian spirulina is grown in a Bio-Zone in lined ponds with no run off from adjacent farms or golf courses. 3. The Nutrex growing facility regularly undergoes third party farm inspections pesticide screenings and other quality control tests.   Vote down - Vote up
    Product: RxOmega-3 Factors Liquid (Orange, 8 oz)*
    Asked on: February 24, 2016
    Question: Is This omega from farm fish or Wild cut.
    • 0 0 A: RxOmega-3 by Natural Factors is a pharmaceutical grade fish oil with a high concentration of EPA and DHA. RxOmega consists of anchovy, sardines and or mackeral wild caught in the cold waters off the coast of Peru. RxOmega is molecularly distilled and free from environmental pollutants like PCBs and mercury. Natural Factors is dedicated to formulating safe and effective products and manufacturing them to the highest quality standards for over 50 years. Natural Factors produces effective products, produced in an environmentally sustainable way.  Vote down - Vote up
    Product: Ideal Bowel Support 299v (30 vcaps)
    Asked on: February 19, 2016
    Question: I'm 27 years old I have IBS problem and have been suffering with this problem for  2 years. I have weight loss. Would this be a good product for me to use?
    • 0 0 A: Ideal Bowel Support would be a good choice for you, if you are not currently taking a probiotic. Probiotics are extremely beneficial for various digestive and bowel issues. Seacoast sells a Dr. recommended product for IBS called Iberogast. We would highly suggest you try this. Please use the link below to learn more and read the reviews of what customers are saying about using Iberogast.     Vote down - Vote up
    Product: Cholesterol Shield (90 tabs)
    Asked on: February 19, 2016
    Question: I m on aspirin. Can I take cholesterol shied
    • 0 0 A: Cholesterol Shield contains a phytosterol blend also called plant stanols and sterols. These plant sterols occur naturally in small amounts of foods such as in grains, legumes, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds and have powerful cholesterol lowering properties. Plant sterols can prevent real cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Instead of clogging arteries, the cholesterol goes out with the waste. Plant sterols help block the absorption of cholesterol. Plant Sterols may increase the risk of bleed for those on blood thinning drugs. Please consult with your physician before using this product if you are using blood thinners such as aspirin. Vote down - Vote up
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