Review I began using the product about a week ago (December 7, 2012). My blood pressure had been hovering around 130/80. After taking the product for 3 days, I checked my blood pressure at a neighborhood supermarket. To my disbelief, my first reading was 114/64. I took it again and it was 120/62. Upon taking another reading, it was 111/60! Since age 21, my blood pressure had been 110/70. Since growing younger, it had gotten as high as 152/84. Now at age 52, it is almost back to normal. Actually my diastolic pressure is lower.
Review Source Naturals 5 HTP is one of the many sources I've tried. It was best tolerated at night a few hours after eating, but made me sick to my stomach if I took it before eating in the mornings. The biggest downside to the product is that it is in 50mg capsules instead of 100mg capsules. I have heard great things about Lidtke's l-Tryptophan as well, but have not tried it.
I would definately use Source Natural's 5-HTP is available to me, but prefer LifeLink and Solaray's.
Review Nordic Naturals ProOmega Joint has made a significant difference in my joint mobility after just 1 month of taking 2 capsules per day. My cholesterol was a little high and when I went for my last check up my Dr. said my levels were in the healthy range again. We contribute this to taking Nordic Naturals fish oil. I highly recommend this product.
Review Love this product (as well as others by Nordic Naturals!)... Children almost consider it candy, and always remind me to give it to them if I forget. Prescribed by our chiropractor.
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