
Submitted Questions

    Product: Liver Caps (100 Caps)
    Asked on: January 13, 2013
    Question: to be honest, I used to be aidectdd to supplements similar to nano vapor. Musletech is very good when it comes to advertising. keep that in mind. I had some health issues before, and using all those supplements like bsn no-xplode and cell mass really aggravated my condition. In my opinion, yeah it will work for a short time but I think you should just stick to the essentials, protein and amino acids. You have to cycle those kind of supplements anyways because your body will get familiar with it and it wont be as effective. It gets really expensive. I use to drop 250 bucks a month easily and thats not including my gym membership.
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      Product: Maitake Gold 404 (1 fl oz)*
      Asked on: January 13, 2013
      Question: Again, there is little to no rtgluaeion of supplements, botanicals, or herbs. You should consult with a reputable Naturopathic Doctor that knows the source of the herbs they are using.Echinacea, Cordyceps, Miatake and Shitake Mushrooms, Vit. A and Vit D are essential for immune support. According to traditional Chinese medicine, defense (wei) qi is located at the exterior surface of the body and offers initial protection against foreign or pathogenic factors. When wei qi is strong, pathogenic factors cannot penetrate the body. When it is weak, a variety of infections can occur. Prevention of infections relies on normal function of wei qi. From the Western perspective, many herbs that tonify qi enhance the immune system. Herbs that perform such functions include astragalus (huang qi), ganoderma (ling zhi) and cordyceps (dong chong xia cao). Astragalus (huang qi) is one of the most frequently used Chinese herbs and has historically been used to tonify wei qi. It fortifies the lungs, strengthens the wei qi and indirectly protects against external pathogenic factors. In terms of Western medicine, modern research has confirmed repeatedly that astragalus increases both specific and non-specific immunity.1,2,3 In a clinical trial of 115 leucopenic patients, astragalus was found to be associated with an obvious rise of the white blood cell (WBC) count with a dose-dependent relationship.4 In addition, astragalus works well with concurrent drug therapy in enhancing the overall effectiveness of the treatment. It also potentiates the anti-tumor effect of chemotherapy drugs5 while reversing drug-induced immune suppression.6 Lastly, astragalus demonstrates anti-cancer activity by increasing the content of camp and inhibiting the growth of tumor cells.7 Ganoderma (ling zhi) has been traditionally used to tonify blood and vital energy. It is thus essential in rebuilding a patient's constitution. Ganoderma increases the number of white blood cells and inhibits the growth of various viruses and bacteria associated with the flu. It has been demonstrated to enhance the immune system in various clinical studies. The specific effects of ganoderma include an increase in monocytes, macrophages and T-lymphocytes.8-11 There is also an increased production of cytokine, interleukin, tumor necrosis factor and interferon. Furthermore, ganoderma has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activities, inhibiting the growth of pneumocci, streptocci (type A), staphylococci, e. coli, b. dysentarie and pseudomonas, among others.7 Cordyceps (dong chong xia cao) has traditionally been used in chronic debilitated patients. It is an excellent herb to tonify the kidney yin and yang and improve overall bodily constitution. Cordyceps is another herb which has marked immunomodulatory functions. It enhances overall immunity by increasing lymphocytes and natural killer cells and the production of interleukin, interferon and tumor necrosis factor.12-16 Cordyceps was also found to significantly inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells17 in some instances, the growth inhibition rate of the cancer cells reached between 78-83.18 Keep in mind that while these herbs are effective individually, they should be prescribed in the content of an herbal formula to enhance synergistic action and minimize possible side-effects. Q: Are there any contraindications for these herbs? A: Astragalus, ganoderma, cordyceps and herbs that boost the immune system are contraindicated for patients taking immunosuppressants such as imuran (azathioprine) or sandimmune (cyclosporin). These drugs are commonly prescribed following organ transplant surgery to suppress the immune system and prevent tissue rejection. Because these herbs have potent immune enhancing effects, they should not be prescribed for patients taking immunosuppresants following organ transplant surgery. Despite their weak constitution, use of some immune enhancing herbs can increase the risk of rejection and severely compromise the patient's health. Often herbs are contraindicated in pregnant women as well.
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        Product: Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil (8 oz Oil)
        Asked on: January 13, 2013
        Question: Hi Bridget, if you are supplementing with omega 6 I would cireatnly stop that as most people naturally have an excess of it in their normal diet. That is unless you have been specifically told to add omega 6 by a nutritionist or doctor.Consuming oily fish is a probably a better way to get your omega 3 however some people find oily fish not so tasty. If you are in that category then go capsules or try flax seed which is a good plant based source of omega 3. If you have only recently started taking the supplements there can be a period of a few months before any benefit is noticed with arthritis. In some cases people find no benefit. Additionally some light weight bearing or resistance exercise against the effected joints can bring some relief.
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          Product: Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil (8 oz Oil)
          Asked on: January 13, 2013
          Question: There is evidence that cold liver fish oil is good for you. However, if you purhcase fish oil supplement you must make very sure that the supplement is natural fish oil and not a chemical equivalent. There is good evidence that all the vitamin supplements are a waste of money, the reason being is that they are in fact chemical equivalents to vitamin A etc. they are not the natural vitamin.Further, a pill or a cod liver oil pill is very concentrated and is not combined within its natural food matrix. The stomach will see this as an overload and will dispose of it as the body will only absorb the amount of natural vitamins it needs. Overdoses of vitamin C are a waste of money.So as fish oil etc are very complex molecules and since the beginning of time the body has only received them within and combined with the matrix of the food and can only really handle such things if delivered naturally then rather than spend money on capsules or 50 every 2 weeks I suggest that you spend the cost of the fish oil capsules on actual oily fish and eat the fish.
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            Product: Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil (8 oz Oil)
            Asked on: January 13, 2013
            Question: Hi I dont know what do you mean!whats the cod?i heared for avdiiong depression we can do yoga.When I had a lot of problem in the past I did it and it was really helpfull,please give us some more information!thanks
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              Product: Cran Clearance (680 mg 100 capsules)
              Asked on: January 13, 2013
              Question: Hey,It's Gary up in Canada.I'm an internet matkreer just like you.I have found a business that is paying me100usd on every single sale my team makes.Whenever ANYONE on my team makes a sale.I make 100 dollars. Period.I'm averaging 200 400 a day with only 5 members. lolIf you want information on this business.Go to my channel canadianmatkreer001 and checkout my website.Please Note: The website is NOT FLASHY.It is full of video content.Give me a call 247 with your questions.
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                Product: NO Shotgun Black Cherry (672g)
                Asked on: January 13, 2013
                Question: GNC Mega Men Sport Vitamin?Hi everyone, this past wkneeed I went to GNC to pickup some Vitamin C Pills. While I was there the sales guy was telling me about the Mega Men daily multi vitamins. I told him I take Centrum Performance and I'm not interested at this time. The last couple nights I have been reading comparisons and reviews on Centrum and Mega Men. What I read is that most of the Centrum brands including the one I take has Iron as one of the supplements and that extra Iron in mens body can cause prostate cancer. So today after work I stopped in at a GMC Store and talked to a Sales Guy and was told that the Mega Men Sport would be the best for me, so I bought a bottle of it. Now that I got it home I was looking at the ingredients and notice it has Creatine in it. I'm kinda scared about taking it now do to long term side affects of Creatine. Some of the side affects I found is mood swings in young people I'm 23, and Kidney damage. So I'm just wondering what you guys think should I keep the product, or return it for the regular Mega Men that doesn't have Creatine, or just return it to get my money back and forget about GNC all together. Any help will be appreciated.Thanks
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                  Product: FloraSmart 6 Billion (90 caplets)*
                  Asked on: January 13, 2013
                  Question: I have suffered from a hatial hernia and GERD for years. After receiving a sample of Sustenex from my pharmacy, it made sense that excellent bacteria would benefit any digestive problem. (I have several fish tanks and if I am over zealous in cleaning and ruin too much of the excellent bacteria, the fish suffer). I have used it daily now for two months and have not had to resort to any SSIs or prescription drugs while on this supplement. It makes more sense to me to take probiotics rather than chemicals found in prescription drugs. I am very pleased with this product and plot on continuing it for as long as necessary.
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                    Product: Water Factors Maximized (90 Tablet)
                    Asked on: January 13, 2013
                    Question: Cholesterol is basically just Saturated fat.. and there are 2 main kinds of cbnaumsole cholesterol- LDL (low density lipoproteins) which is the bad cholesterol that clogs up your arteries that comes from foods like pork fat, chicken fat, cow fat, shellfish etcand then there's the HDL(High density Lopoproteins) which is the Good cholesterol that counter acts the bad cholesterol and could help to lower it. HDL comes from the fatty acids that come from mostly any kind of Fish and some plants.If you want to help lower your cholesterol there's basically nothing better than eating lots of fish fat, so yeah Wild Salmon is extremely good for her because salmon especially are really fatty.
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                      Product: Neuro1 - Caffeine Free - Orange (2.05lb)
                      Asked on: January 13, 2013
                      Question: By the way, I wanted to tell you all sothiemng and then .oh, never mind, it's not important.How many times has that ben said to you over the years. Whe, in fact, it is obviously very important to that person.VA:F [1.9.61107]please wait...VA:F [1.9.61107](from 0 votes)
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