00A: All prices listed are in U.S. dollars. When you pay by credit card, the credit card company will calculate the exchange rate and include it in your monthly statement. The price in U.S dollars is as low as $5.19.
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00A: Thank you for your interest in PGX Daily Singles. I am not aware of the availability of this product in Melbourne however you can conveniently purchase through Seacoast.com. We'd be happy to ship this product to you.
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Product: Nerve Formula (2 oz) Asked on: February 3, 2013 Question: Ca n i rub this oil on my foot for nerve pai n.
00A: Thank you for your interest in Nerve Formula. Suggested Use: As a herbal supplement take 1-2 droppersful three times a day or as directed by your health care professional. For other uses, please consult with you physician.
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Product: Nerve Tonic (100 Tabs) Asked on: February 3, 2013 Question: are there any prescription drug interactions with hylands nerve tonic?
00A: Thank you for your interest in Nerve Tonic. As with any supplement, it is always best to consult with your physician if you are taking any prescription drugs or have any medical conditions. Hyland's products are homeopathic.
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Product: ProDHA 1000 (60 softgels)* Asked on: February 3, 2013 Question: can children under 13 have this
00A: Most products unless other wise stated are best suited for adults ages 18 and over. For possible use and dosages for children, please consult with your physician.
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00A: Myelin Sheath Support is a broad-range herbal-nutrient formula that supports the nervous system with traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese botanicals as well as scientifically researched nutrients.Vitamin B-12 is key to the Myelin SheathSupport formula. It plays two critical roles: 1) it is essential for normal health of blood 2) it may function as a coenzyme in the synthesis of either the protein or lipid part of myelin. Vitamin B-12, central for supporting the nervous system and specifically the myelin sheath, is included in the form of methylcobalamin. While a few forms of B-12 have been used clinically, it has been that methylcobalamin is a highly assimilable form of B-12, leading to increased retention in tissues. Please consult your physican for there advise on if this product could be helpful for your MS. Vote down - Vote up
00A: Thank you for cotacting us about Pure IFG Ultimate Formula Deer Velvet Antler. Most products, unless other wise stated are suited for adults ages 18 and over. If you have any medical conditions, are taking any prescription drugs, or need additional advise, please consult with your physician.
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00A: Thank you for your interest in Vitamin K2. Research suggests that vitamin K2 promotes a healthy cardiovascular system as well as promotes healthy bones and cartilage. itamin K can antagonize the effect of anticoagulants, including Warfarin. Do not take this product if you are taking Warfarin without first consulting with your physician.
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