00A: Green tea is used to improve mental alertness and thinking. It is also used for weight loss and to treat stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, bone loss (osteoporosis), and solid tumor cancers.
Taking a specific green tea extract (EGCG) seems to help moderately overweight people lose weight. But green tea doesn’t help people keep the weight off.To view some of our supplements that are formulated for weightloss please click on the link. http://www.seacoast.com/topic.php?health=weight-losshttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/960.html Vote down - Vote up
00A: If you are taking this product you should discuss the Melatonin intake with their healthcare provider. If under medical care for any reason, consult a medical professional before taking this product for any safety precautions that may need to be taken. Vote down - Vote up
Product: Neprinol AFD (90 caps)* Asked on: July 3, 2013 Question: Hola quiero saber por favor si este producto me ayuda a curar esta enfermedad del peyroni, quiero utilizar este producto y que tan confiable es. gracias
Product: ProstaCaid (120 vcaps-800mg) Asked on: July 3, 2013 Question: I have read from Health Sciences Institute (HSI) that there is an Asian prostate herb used in Viet Nam for thousands of years that may help the symptoms of enlarged prostate. However, I have not been able to find out the order source nor the history or claims and the product information. However, HSI listed your product, ProstaCaid, by Econugenics and I am hoping you can answermy questions.
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