
Submitted Questions

    Product: Every Woman (120 tabs)*
    Asked on: January 13, 2013
    Question: I recently dsvcoiered your blogwebsite and have genuinely enjoyed reading this and some of the other posts. I thought I would dive out from the shadows and leave my first comment. I'm not certain what to say other than I have enjoyed reading and will continue to visit as frequently as I can.
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      Product: Theanine (100 mg 60 capsules)
      Asked on: January 13, 2013
      Question: They use good nutrition, hetalhy lifestyle including moderate exercise, fresh air and sunshine, and a few supplements here and there to keep their bodies strong and hetalhy. When holistic kids gets sick, drugs and
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        Product: Floravital Iron & Herb yeast free (17 oz)
        Asked on: January 13, 2013
        Question: I didn't think anything would be able to sort out my tneidress in the morning, seemed like getting even more sleep than normal just made me feel even more tired in the morning which is strange!! But I was really getting annoyed about how tired I felt in the evenings and I just couldn't be bothered to do anything but laze about. My doctor said I should look at iron supplements in case I wasn't getting enough in my diet. I tried a couple of different ones but Floradix is the one that stuck. I can bring the tablets in my bag but always have a bottle at home and work because as far as I'm aware, liquid iron gets into your system quicker. Anyway, after about 3 weeks of taking it I found not only was I more energetic in the evenings, but waking up in the morning became so much easier. I was proper shocked at how well a supplement could work and I'm so happy you've not go a blog and I can learn about more of your products that might be useful for me when I'm older of if I have kids or even for my friends and parents. Thank you Floradix!!!!!
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          Product: HCA Garcinia Cambogia (250 mg 2 oz)
          Asked on: January 13, 2013
          Question: Can I still have my coffee while taking this product?
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            Product: Women's Longevity Integrative Breast Care Formula (60 v-caps)
            Asked on: January 13, 2013
            Question: I know how you feel, my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 non-small cell lung cacner in May, they did radiation and chemo which got rid of the cacner in her lung and lymph nodes in and between her lungs. But, it had spread into her bones and several other lymph nodes, they did more radiation and chemo but she and was only given a few months to live, that was in mid-august. I could not accept losing my mom who is only 43 so I did a lot of research and found what I feel is her best hope. Maybe a good option for your friend , too, there are a lot of Breast cacner patients here as well. Also, while she is doing shemo look into interveneous vitamin C, you would probably have to do it through an alternative doctor, because mainstream doctors unfortunately are not well versed in natural supplements. I listed a few links for vitamin c info at the end.I am currently in the Bahamas with my mother. There is a clinic here that has been in operation for over 30 years. We have been here for 4 of our 8 week stay, everyday is really inspiring. A lot of the patients stick around in the meeting room waiting room to visit, and share stories and catch up. There are 40 people all talking and laughing, talking about cacner and life. The returning patients talk about how bad their cacner was 4, 8, 10, 18 even 28 years ago when they started coming to the clinic, the cacner that has since disappeared. There is nothing dangerous or foreign to the treatment, just building up your immune system in a very effective manner that allows it to identify and fight the cacner. If you want to know more contact me or go to I cannot tell you how impressed I am with what I have seen and how my mother has already improved. I know one man who was diagnosed with pancreatic cacner, he skipped all US, conventional (poisonous, dangerous) options and went to the Bahamas and is doing great now. Another man who has been coming here for 18 years that had prostate cacner. People with just about every type of cacner. But, they are honest here, you send them your medical information and they will tell you whether they believe they can help you or not, and they will send you home if they don't think you are benefiting. My mom has shown drastic improvements and is feeling so much better. and we are in the Bahamas so we are having a good Mother-Daughter vacation. When we got here she was on 75 mg of morphine a day plus 6ml of liquid morphine a day, now she rarely takes any morphine, and only occasionally takes Advil. Some of the pain she does get is associated with tumor kill, it happens to most patients as their immune system begins quickly destroying the cacner cells, it is a good thing.There are a lot of alternative treatments out there worth looking into. I have also done a lot of research on the Cesium ChlorideDMSO treatment and think that it has merit and you can do it at home.The clinic here believes that a supplementliquid called VIBE works really well in addition to other treatments, I am going to look in to that some more.One very helpful website isUS doctors push chemo and radiation, but when you look at the statistics and side effects it is not a good option for most people. My Mom had both before we came here and now that I know more about them and have researched them I feel horrible that I let her go through them. She was lucky (so far) the only long term side effect she has shown is short term memory loss. The stories I have heard from the other patients here about how they were treated by US medicine astound me. One lady went home to have a shunt put in her liver so she would be ok to come here, but they refused to put it in unless she agreed to do chemotherapy, is that what our country is about? Denying helpful procedures unless we agree to dangerous, toxic ones? The drug companies run US medicine at least when it comes to cacner treatment and it is sad. Most doctors will tell you not to try alternative medicine and some will refuse to even see you again if you do. To some degree they are not to blame, they have not been taught anything about it other than that it is evil and wrong and they would be rejected by their colleagues if they suggested alternatives.I am not saying that this will cure anyone, but I have seen dozens of people that it has helped and dozens more that are just starting, but already showing improvement. Please whatever you do, research first. I am so happy my mom is feeling better and I want to be able to help everyone else who's parent, sibling, child, friend or self has cacner, I know how it feels to watch them get worse and watch the treatment make them more sick. Good luck!! My prayers are with your family.
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              Product: Silybin Advanced from Milk Thistle (60 veg caps)*
              Asked on: January 13, 2013
              Question: Thanks for the tips shared on the blog. Another thing I would like to experss is that fat reduction is not supposed to be about going on a fad diet and trying to get rid of as much weight that you can in a couple of days. The most effective way to shed pounds is by taking it gradually and using some basic guidelines which can provide help to make the most out of your attempt to slim down. You may realize and be following a few of these tips, nonetheless reinforcing expertise never hurts.
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                Product: TranquilNite Plus (30 SGels)*
                Asked on: January 13, 2013
                Question: 11 of 11 people found the fooilwlng review helpful Great treatment for female dryness, September 1, 2009Bya0 (WI) I read about this product in the June 2007 issue of Prevention magazine. I am a little on the dry side (vaginal), so I thought I'd give it a try. I only use 2 caps a day to 1 and it does help quite a bit (the bottle suggests up to 4 caps a day). It works for me.However, when I ordered the product I thought I was going to get 120 caps as advertised, but only received the 60 capsule size. Still as my pocket book allows, it is worth it to me.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0Was this review helpful to you?a0 a0 lightbulbgirl says: 10 of 10 people found the fooilwlng review helpful Valuable for Interstitial Cystitis, June 28, 2010Bya0 (Cleveland, Ohio United States) Amazon Verified Purchase() I became interested in Supercritical Omega 7 and sea buckthorn after reading that it was beneficial for the digestive tract and urinary tract. I have interstitial cystitis and the pain was almost unbearable. I took this product for about 3 months when I noticed a considerable decrease in the pain. I stopped taking it for about 2 months and the pain came back full force. Needless to say, I am taking it again (one a day) and have again noticed improvement. This product may not work for everyone with interstitial cystitis but it is definitely worth a try.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0Was this review helpful to you?a0 a0 Related Articles From This CategoryPosted On Wednesday, September 21st 2011 New-Skin Scar Fade, Topical Gel, 0.5-Ounce Tubes (Pack of 2)FeaturesCase of two 0.5-ounce tubes of ...Posted On Saturday, August 20th 2011 New-Skin Scar Fade Topical Gel: 0.5 OZFeaturesNet quantity of 5 ouncesEasy, quick and effective way ... Discount and Coupons CategoriesTagsRecommend
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                  Product: Digest Basic (30 caps)*
                  Asked on: January 13, 2013
                  Question: http:eupy.ruproductsbloodpressureheartlipitororderlipitor side effectslipitor dosagelipitor vs crestor
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                    Product: Alive! Vitamin C (120 VCaps)
                    Asked on: January 13, 2013
                    Question: Hi, My husband and I just sratted the cleanse today. I was using Grade A and then went to trader Joes to get grade B syrup. I found out how discussiting the drink is with the pepper in it. I can barly stomach it. So I went to Vitamin World and got the capsule form of the pepper. Much much better. Heres what we have done so far. I didnt have the book just heard from friends about the cleanse and reasearch here on the internet so i thought i would come to a place were it looked like someone had experience with it. I bought the laxative tea and my husband and i took it before bed last night, this morning we each had our liter of salt water, him with 1 tbls spoon of salt and me with 2 teaspons ( I had read that ppl have differnt results with amounts and my husband is a salt eater me not so much). About 1 hour it worked the way it should, I sratted my Lemon drink which was 2 tbls of fresh squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbls of grade A but switching to B now of maple syrup, and 1 pill of pepper now ever other 8oz of lemon drink. I do this every day for 10 days, no food at all? What do you do if you get sick like feel nauteous, head aches? Is there anything that can be done? Can you eat chicken broth if it gets real bad. I have felt nothing but a little bit of cool feeling in my tummy and a slight head ache and some cramping. I do feel like I am more awake and alart, more energy etc. Thanks for reading and taking the time to respond.
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                      Product: Prelox| Natural Sex for Men (60 tablets)*
                      Asked on: January 13, 2013
                      Question: Ok, I definitely suprpot people who wear their hair natural. I tried to wear it natural but I have a lot of hair and the only way I could wear it and have it look nice is if I cut it (my beautician told me this) but I love my hair so I could never do it. Plus, it's a lot of work since my hair is really thick and it's long My mom wears her hair natural and it's beautiful and looks amazing on her. But I hate when people say to wear it any other way but natural is self-hating and it's unnatural. So are white people who bleach their hair and curl it or straighten it everyday self-hating ? Or the term only apply to girls who wear weaves or perm their hair?i meant to say, it's, well, unnatural Isn't it unnatural for white girls to alter the look of their hair, too?White girls wear weaves too what do you call those clip-on things? That's not real hair.A lot of white actresses wear weaves too!WINTER BLOSSOM you are the same girl who said that you don't like when black women wear weaves because it's unnatural so my question for you is why do you care about how black women wear their hair?yeah sunshine same here!
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