00A: You can order this Liquid Calcium-Magnesium online directly from Seacoast.com as we do ship internationally. You can take this as long as you need to or however long your doctor advises you to.
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01A: This is something you may want to confirm with your physician. Cardio Chelate is formulated to balance the metals in the body and support cardiovascular health.
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Product: Womens Libido (60 caps)* Asked on: April 18, 2013 Question: I have.ms will it help with that
00A: Though Women's Libdo may have other benefits, it is formulated best to help with a womens sexual health and desires. Please consult with your physician to find out if this supplement can also help with your ms.
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Product: Gelsemium sempervirens 9C Asked on: April 18, 2013 Question: I have purchased this product to hopefully help my older dog with incontinence problems, this was recommended by a homeopathic store in my town do you think this will be helpful?
00A: It is best to consult with a veterinarian to get the information you are looking for as they can provide you with the most accurate advice.
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00A: I am not aware of where you can get Green Coffee Bean Vcaps in Nigeria however you can purchase them directly from Seacoast.com as we do ship internationally.
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Product: Glucosamine Chondroitin plus MSM (90 tabs) Asked on: April 18, 2013 Question: hola compre el producto en Mxico, yo he tenido problemas de chasquidos en una rodilla y se me complic con una cada, estuve con rodillera mecnica y medicamento me dej de doler, pero 2 meses despues me ha vuelto un leve dolor de rodilla, por lo que voy a empezar a tomar este medicamento mi pregunta concreta es: DURANTE CUANTO TIEMPO APROXIMADAMENTE LO DEBO TOMAR, PARA RESTABLECER MI PROBLEMA. Gracias...!!!
00A: No estoy al tanto de donde se puede comprar este suplemento en México sin embargo se puede comprar en línea directamente desde Seacoast.com. Tenga en cuenta que los resultados varían, así que no puedo dar una cantidad exacta de tiempo en que se debe esperar a sentir cambios notables en la forma en que se siente la rodilla.
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Product: Arctic Kelp (300 Tablet) Asked on: April 18, 2013 Question: How Often And How Many Tablets Should One Take
00A: The serving size for this Norwegian Kelp is 1 tablet once daily.
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Product: Bomba 365 (60 tablets) Asked on: April 18, 2013 Question: I take dilantin 460 miligrams a day..can i try bomba n not have side effects
00A: Please check with your physician to make sure as they can let you know if Bomba is safe to take with your Dilantin.
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Product: MSM Liposome Lotion (8 oz.) Asked on: April 18, 2013 Question: I don't understand what this product is for???
00A: MSM lotion may have many benefits including muscle and joint pain, dry skin, and more.
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