InoCell IP6 & Inositol (240 capsules)*
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InoCell IP6 & Inositol (240 capsules)
InoCell supports the body's cellular defenses and is completely safe and natural. It works to increase Inositol phosphates in your cells to activate and improve your bodys immunity.
InoCell with IP6 and Inositol is a combination of IP6 and Inositol that activates the immune system by enhancing natural killer cell activity.
Why InoCell?
- Recommended by Dr. Michael Murray
- Stimulates Natural Killer (NK) cells
- Patented Formulation
- Boosts the Immune System
- Reducing Cholesterol Levels
- Preventing Kidney Stones
- Complications of Diabetes and Sickle Cell Anemia
- Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases, including Heart Attack and Stroke
2 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a health professional. Consult your health professional if additional capsules are needed.
This IP-6 is no longer affiliated with Dr. Shamsuddin from the University of Maryland School of Medicine. medschool.umaryland.edu
Comments? Question?
Updated Aug. 14, 2018,
about 6 years ago
UPC: 068958035352
Distributed or manufactured from Natural Factors. See more Natural Factors products.
*Not intended to diagnose or treat diseases or ailments, and is not reviewed by the FDA.
Uses & Indications.- Promoting Heart Health
- Supporting Healthy Bones
- Cleansing Liver And Kidneys
- Activates Natural Killer Cells
- Kidney Stones
- Heart Disease
- Prostate Cancer
- Breast Cancer
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Questions and answers:
Question: is the amount of ip6 the same as successfull clinicqal trials ? what amount if different ?
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Question: what is the name of the store where i can buy ip6 Iinositol in Vancouver Bc
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- A: Gracias por su interés en IP6. Este producto se activa el sistema inmune mejora de la actividad de células natural killer. Este producto es la combinación de Ip6 (unido al calcio y magnesio) y el inositol. Esta combinación de compuestos naturales producidos a partir de salvado de arroz ha demostrado impresionantes efectos anticancerígenos y realzar inmune-en estudios clínicos y experimentales preliminares. Aunque los datos preliminares y experimental son muy alentadores, en este momento no hay datos suficientes para recomendar Ip6 + inositol como clave principal (o única) la terapia en el cáncer existente. Hasta su verdadera efectividad se demuestra claramente en bien diseñados estudios clínicos, el uso de IP6 + inositol debe ser como una estrategia complementaria para mejorar los beneficios del tratamiento médico convencional del cáncer.
Question: can you take this if you do not have cancer
- A: InoCell IP6 & Inositol is not just for cancer and is a great immune system booster.
Question: Will this help with ovarian cancer? If not what should I take
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Question: Are the 2 capsules taken 2 times a day with meals or taken an hour before meals? I am also taking Ojibwa Herbal Extract (Essiac Herbal Supplement) and Super Immune Support which are herbal anti cancer supplements that I take 1 hour or more before meals. I also take multi vitamins and other supplements with my breakfast and dinner meals together with my high blood pressure medication.. I would like to know when I should take the 2 capsules of InoCell IP6 Inositol and would they interfere with the other supplements and HBP medication that I'm taking. Also does this InoCell IP6 Inositol have any side effects?.
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Question: Are the 2 capsules taken 2 times a day with meals or taken an hour before meals? I am also taking Ojibwa Herbal Extract (Essiac Herbal Supplement) and Super Immune Support which are herbal anti cancer supplements that I take 1 hour or more before meals. I also take multi vitamins and other supplements with my breakfast and dinner meals together with my high blood pressure medication.. I would like to know when I should take the 2 capsules of InoCell IP6 Inositol and would they interfere with the other supplements and HBP medication that I'm taking. Also does this InoCell IP6 Inositol have any side effects?
- A: The dosage is 2 capsules 2 times per day unless directed differently by your physician. There are no specific instructions as to when to take the supplements so you can take before or with meals, whichever is your preference. There are no side effects or warnings on this label however it is always recommended that people let their physician know of what supplements they are taking as they are familiar with your medical history.
Question: If taken as an immune booster, could I take 2 tablets instead of 4 per day?
- A: The dosage on the bottle is the suggested dosage. If you are planning to take more you may want to speak with your physician first but since you are wanting to take only 2 tablets daily, which is less than the manufacturers suggested dosage that should be fine.