The formula includes a broad range of natural extracts which have been used with prostate cancer patients and have been under research and long-term study by Dr. Ben Pfeifer, M.D..

Quercetin Plus (formerly known as Prostasol) (80 Caps)

Seacoast recommends DIM Plus (120 capsules) by Nature's Way as an excellent adjunct to taking Quercetin Plus. Sometimes PSA may rise due to estrogen and DIM can metabolize the unwanted form of estrogen .

(Click here) Learn more about estrogen metabolism.

Buy 3 - Get free delivery on whole order

Note: Quercetin Plus/Prostasol - 2 bottle minimum purchase. Order as many bottles as you need, there is no maximum. 


Quercetin Plus (previously called Prostasol) is the exciting breakthrough supplement for men that you are reading about in the prostate cancer forums. It has been specially formulated to promote a healthy prostate and it has been a runaway hit in helping to treat those with prostate cancer. We have recently added some inspiring customer testimonials, below. It has been shown to help reduce an enlarged prostate and relieve the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate and is widely known in the medical community.

Quercetin Plus/Prostasol helps treat those with an elevated PSA. It can help to normalize urination and it contains anti-aging properties with specific prostate related health benefits.

  • Promotes prostate health
  • Normalizes urination
  • Effective
  • Lowers PSA

Suggested Use: As an herbal dietary supplement 2 capsules, 2 times per day.

Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
% DV


Calories from fat

Dietary Fiber
50 mg
10 mg
Total Protein
<1 gm
Total Carboydrates
<1 gm
Magnesium (Oxide)
200 mg
Saw Palmetto
230 mg
Sterolin Mix
130 mg
Quercetin Mix
120 mg
Boron (citrate)
4 mg
10 mg
20 mg
100 mg
40 mg
20 mg
100 mg
APS = Amount Per Serving

*% Daily Value (%DV) not established.

Other Ingredients: In a base of maltodextrin, syloid and magnesium stearate as flow enhancers.

*Prostasol is excluded from all Sales, Promotions, Whole Dollar Amounts and other
*Some other restrictions may apply and these statements can change with out notice.

By Lionel Tran - Flag 
Comments? Question?
Updated May. 29, 2018, about 6 years ago

Distributed or manufactured from Seacoast Natural Health. See more Seacoast Natural Health products.

*Not intended to diagnose or treat diseases or ailments, and is not reviewed by the FDA.

Uses & Indications.
  • Relieving Urinary Problems
  • Lowering Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
  • Lowering PSA
  • Reducing Inflammation
Ailments & Concerns.
  • Cancer
  • Elevated PSA
  • Prostate Cancer
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Swedish Bitters (8.45 fl.oz) NatureWorks

DHA Junior Liquid* (4 fl.oz)
DHA Junior Liquid* (4 fl.oz) Nordic Naturals

Nordic Naturals
Metabolic ReSet Strawberry (1.4 lbs)
Metabolic ReSet Strawberry (1.4 lbs) Nature's Way

Nature's Way


Tuesday 21 February, 2017
So glad I found this product. I have prostate cancer and my PSA reading had been going up every time I was tested. The last test was at 17. I have used this as directed for 4 months and was retested and my PSA has actually dropped to 11. My Dr was so impressed that he told me to keep taking it.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Wednesday 24 February, 2016
My PSA was 4.8 one month ago. I have been taking 4 capsules a day for the last month and was just retested. My PSA dropped to 1.6. Now I will take 3 capsules per day for the next month and be retested.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Friday 15 January, 2016
Wow! What a great product! My husbands physician recommended him to try this product after his PSA reading was at 16. After 8 months of taking this his PSA is at 0. Thank you Seacoast Vitamins for supplying a great product for men who suffer with higher PSA levels.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Monday 16 March, 2015
prostasol works great, after initially taking 4/day, my PSA (doubling time 5 months, after MRI guided cryo surgery in 2012) went from 4.8 to 0.21 in 3 months. now one/day.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Monday 23 April, 2012
Purchased 3 bottles, Have been taking 4 cap per day (2- am 2- pm.) Started with a PSA of 9.5 after 160 caps PSA of 9.6. Should I increase or reduce dose? Any suggestions? Thanks
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Saturday 17 March, 2012
My PSA has gone from 19 to 0 and has remained at 0 for the two years I have been taking this product.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Monday 13 June, 2011
My doctor recommended I use Quercetin Plus. I just recently started using it, have not had another PSA test yet, therefore I will comment after next test.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Wednesday 06 April, 2011
I thank you for your promptness. I received your sending (only 1 bottle Quercetin Plus- sorry for my misunderstanding).I took in this morning the first dose and I hope will be well.I promise you to report any progress. Best regards, Petrica J.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Saturday 11 December, 2010
I first heard or Quercetin from one of my wifes patients. He had been using Quercetin for 4 years and has succesfully kept his PSA at <.06. I started one pill a day and mine also went to that same level, no worries I will go up to two pills. I have not figured out why the doctors don't really want to research this but they don't. This is one time where Herbal medicene rules. It helps when you have a nurse for wife who has a cousin that is a pharmasist. If you have a high PSA try this what do you have to lose?
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Monday 15 November, 2010
Prostasol/Quercetin Plus has done a great job in holding my PSA to insignificant numbers for many years, at times with as few as 2 capsules per day. I have also taken as many as 12 a day when cancer has become more aggressive and it continues to lower my PSA. Rarely there have been batches that have not worked, but it has been quite consistently potent over the last few years. I was diagnosed in 2/92 with a PSA of 14 and a gleason of 5.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Wednesday 01 September, 2010
Prostate cancer cancer discovered - PSA was 38. Had the surgery - 11 years ago. After surgery, PSA down to "0" but began to rise within 2 months. At the recommendation of another Urologist, began taking a similar product. PSA went back to "0". Began taking this product when that product was no longer available. My PSA remains at "0".
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Thursday 12 August, 2010
I've been using this product for the last 6 mths on recommendation from my naturopath and have already started seeing the results. There have been no side effects unlike some other natural remedies.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Saturday 27 February, 2010
just started taking Q+ have not had PSA test yet so will comment after test
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Friday 15 January, 2010
I started using the products on some of my Prostate Cancer patients two months ago and I am already seeing immediate reduction in their PSA levels. I will update the info later after we do further testing and repeat the biopsy. Ahmad Nasri, HD
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Friday 23 October, 2009
Having a PSA of 106 ten weeks ago my PSA is at presend 48, thanks to Quercetin Plus from Dr Donsbach ,I have used other products but not eny results as good as Quercetn .
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Tuesday 21 July, 2009
In 2002 at the age of 71, I was diagnosed with mid-grade prostate cancer after elevated psa readings and a prostate biopsy. One physician wanted me to have radioactive seeds planted in my prostate. Another wanter me to undergo 6 months of preise radiation treatments. I went to the Immune Recovery and Wellness Clinic in Tuscon Arizona run by Bobbie Shepherd (which I highly recommend). After three weeks of treatment and tests there, I was discharged with a supply of what is now called Quercitin Plus, or Prostasol. Six months after an initial period of doing 3 caps 3 times a day my PSA was analyzed and it was 0.01! I have continued using this "miracle" formula at a maintenance dose of 1 cap a day, and today (July 21, 2009) my PSA is 0.05. I even stopped uysing it once for 6 months to see what would happen. My PSA bounced back to 5.0 so I resumed my maintenance dose. My PSA almost immediately dropped back to 0.05. Today I have no symptoms of prostate cancer. Unlike some relatives who elected traditional medical treatments (surgery, radiation, chemo) I am free of any cancer problems. I was once told that this compound is a phytoestrogen which is simply masking my problem. So what? Tradition medical hormonal treatment doesn't appear to me to offer anything close to what this formula does.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Monday 20 July, 2009
I purchased this product for my father who is 83 yo and was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year. his psa post radiation came down to 1.5 along with the use of lupron depot and casodex; however, the psa started to elevate at a very high velocity and went to 80.2. the oncologist recommended the use of some natural product to reduce psa and thats when i discovered the quercetin/prosasol. after six and a half week at 2 cap twice daily dosing, his psa dropped 10 points to 70.2 and the oncologist is very happy with the results. we will continue the regimen and will recheck psa in 3 months. lets prey it will come down at a nice rate. God Bless and my best wishes to all... Sincerely,,,, Majid.A Pharm.D
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Thursday 16 July, 2009
Have been taking the Prostasol for a year and my PSA is down to 0.4. I only need one capsule every other day for maintainance. My only problem is tender nipples and loss of libido. Otherwise product is superb
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Tuesday 30 June, 2009
I have significantly reduced my PSA readings using Quercetin Plus. My readings had been cosistently increasing each month until I started taking Quercetin PLus. My readings immediately stopped the increase and have come back down to a more acceptable level. I beleive Querctin Plus has been the factor in the good news for me. The use of Quercetin Plus was suggested by my Oncologist after trying some prescription medicine. Give it a try.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Friday 19 June, 2009
I AWAYS HAVE HAD HIGH PSA NUMBERS ,I have been on Quercetin Plus for three months and my PSA went from 11.4 to .77 and all my other symptoms improved. I could not be more pleased. I'm 64 years old and will be on this product for a long time. thank you
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Sunday 26 April, 2009
I have been using this product for about four years now and it has kept my PSA to below 1.0 from a high of 15. It really does work.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Saturday 18 April, 2009
After taking Quercetin + for 14 days my psa dropped from 11.3 to 8.2. During that time I averaged 2 capsules a day. I will continue taking 1 per day and monitor my psa. After the 2nd day I noticed a huge improvement in my urinary functions. Most pain and urgency was gone. The only side effect that I have noticed so far is a very slight tenderness in my nipples. Concerning the service from Seacoast, it is the best I have ever experienced from any on-line retailer. On the 3rd day after I placed the order, the package was in my mailbox. I highly recommend this product.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Thursday 26 March, 2009
After getting a negative result from having radiation treatment I started using Prostasol. After using Prostosol for two weeks I started to see a decline in my PSA. Combined with other therapies like diet and meditation and then using the Prostosol for just six weeks I got a zero reading in my PSA. I would recommend anyone suffering from prostate cancer to try this product.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Wednesday 28 January, 2009
Diagnosed with prostate cancer several years ago. A month ago, suffered pelvic pain and ct scan revealed prostate enlargement +++. Have been taken this product for 10 days and immediately noticed a significant improvement regarding to the pain and urinary flow. Looks like a great product. It seems to be pretty effective. Thanks..
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Wednesday 13 August, 2008
When I started using Quercetin Plus about 4 months ago, my PSA was 75.6. After 4 months, it was 32.5. My doctor recommended that I try it since he had a patient whose PSA went to zero. I am going to have another PSA test in November and am hoping it goes down even further. I will write another review at that time to let everyone know the outcome.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Thursday 10 July, 2008
Hi from Australia. Diagnosd at age 59 with psa 32, gleason 4+4=8,with mets to the bones. Also diagnosed with renal cancer. Twelve months on HT psa fell to 1.0, but all the usual side effects. Had 50% bad kidney removed; seems ok now. Started on Prostasol, ok for 12 months but received a "faulty batch" of Prostasol and psa leapt to 13.5. Repeated HT (Lucrin) with Cosudex and Proscar for 13 months (a la Leibowitz protacol), and psa dropped to 0.1. Started taking Quercetin Plus and psa has remained less than 0.1. Sore tits and big ones, but I am still standing. No apparent spread to bone mets. Seacoast is efficient, especially in delivery to Aus. Keep up the good work!
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Wednesday 18 June, 2008
I had this supplement recommended by a medical doctor. He is also deeply involved in research and nutritional medicine. He mentioned that "Quercetin Plus Prostasol is my secret weapon, my heavy gun" (he called it).. I found and purchased the supplement and my PSA (according to my doctor) is hardly detectable, so low, not even a factor. I have been taking this supplement for three months and although the supplement is a bit expensive (close to a dollar a capsule), it is worth every penny. I highly recommend it if you've had ANY problems with your prostate and PSA exams. I live in a little town north of Orlando, Florida, I am a white male 61 years old and my name is Louie...
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Saturday 31 May, 2008
it confirmed my hopes that I could lower my PSA. It was recomended by a fellow survivor.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Saturday 03 May, 2008
Quercetin Plus/Prostasol is the main product in our successful campaign to reduce my husbands PSA and keep it under control. Seacoast service is very fast and reliable.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Saturday 05 January, 2008
I have had surgery to remove my Prostate. After the surgery my PSA was 2.7. My doctor wanted to continue treating the residual cancer with hormone shots...a shot every three/four months at a cost of approx. $2,000.00 per shot for 3-5 years. The time between the surgery and my first visit back to my doctor, I found Prostasol/Quercetin on the internet. Within 10 days my PSA was reduced to 0.7 and within a month it was reduced to less than 0.1. That was 4 years 6 months ago and my PSA is still l/t 0.1. I am looking forward to celebrating my 5th year of having a 0.1 or less PSA in June 2008. My only wish is that I had found this product before I agreed to the surgery.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Thursday 02 August, 2007
The product works. And it has a cumulative effect, so you can reduce the dosage over time and keep getting the same effect!
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Thursday 05 July, 2007
I was on Quercetin Plus / Prostasol about 12 months ago to assist in keeping my PSA at a low level, then for some reason, it was not available from my usual supplier. Later on, I thankfully found Seacoast Vitamins on the Internet who stocked Prostasol, and on placing an order with them, they had my package on the doorstep in Australia within 7 days. Have been having the recommended dose now for the past 2 weeks, and today I had a PSA Test and the reading had gone from 25.70 to 11.50 in that short time, which is extremely pleasing for me. (Have printouts of the tests performed) Will keep you updated with future tests. Thanks again for your prompt service.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Tuesday 03 April, 2007
the only product that has helped reduce my PSA, down from 14.5 to 0.5, in 8 weeks.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Questions and answers:

Asked on: March 14, 2014
Question: Will this lower my PSA's significantly?
  • A: This formula has been a popular product here at for many years. This special formula is known to lower PSA and promote healthy prostate. Many physicians recommend their patients to purchase this product for lowering PSA. There are many reviews on our website showing that this product has been successful for many men.We recommend that you consult with your physician to see if this product would be right for you.
Asked on: January 22, 2016
Question: Please explain why Quercetin Plus works better than other prostate formulas in lowering PSA.
  • A: Quercetin Plus formerly known as Prostasol is a unique herbal supplement for prostate health containing herbs such as saw palmetto, pygeum, ginger, reishi, quercetin, sterolin mix and other compounds. Through research it was found that the use of plant sterols may have a positive effect for those with prostate issues. There is evidence that many prostate problems may be linked to autoimmune activity. Plant sterolins and sterolins have been found to effectively treat autoimmune responses in the body. There is growing research that shows that many prostate problems and even cancer may be a result of an immune system that is over-stressed and then attacks normal tissue in the body. According to research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN another powerful ingredient in this formula is quercetin, shown to be valuable in preventing and treating prostate cancer. Quercetin Plus also contains an assortment of effective Chinese herbs that have long been proven to improve prostate health and help relieve symptoms. Quercetin Plus may be the best combination of all the natural products known to promote overall prostate health, relief uncomfortable symptoms, reduce inflammation, and help treat prostate cancer. It has been extremely effective in significantly reducing PSA levels for suffering men and is very promising in its continued ability to treat the prostate.
Asked on: February 11, 2016
Question: Does the product produce estrogen like effects? Breast enlargement? I'ts ok if it does, as long as it works!
  • A: Quercetin Plus formerly known as Prostasol does not contain hormones and goes through regular testing to ensure it is not contaminated with hormones. Lab tests performed include infrared spectrographs and HPLC tests. All tests completely verify the lack of contamination or addition of other chemicals or hormones. Quercetin is loaded with phytoestrogenic nutrients and herbs, which may cause symptoms similar to the use of female hormones, such as, breast tenderness. Some men have found that the use of progesterone cream topically or the addition of Phenocane/Curamin reduces breast tenderness. You may use the link below to read more about Phenocane by Oxylife and
    Curamin by Europharma.    
Asked on: September 27, 2017
Question: I was using Prostasol in 2007,8,9 and 10 with great success but it stopped working. I then went back onto hormone implants (Zoludex) which I would like to stop. Has the Quercetin Plus been proved to be as good as the old Prostasol ?
  • A: Quercetin Plus is the original Prostasol formula manufactured  exclusively for Seacoast Vitamins. Quercetin Plus formerly know as Prostasol continues to be our best selling prostate health product. Our customer base using Quercetin Plus has grown over the years due to positive results after use. Many physicians recommend Quercetin Plus to their patients due to the impressive results. We receive excellent feedback from our customers as you can see in the written reviews. Please click on the link below to read reviews. Seacoast is fortunate to provide this product that continues to help so many.

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