The ingredients in this product are purified water, oxygen, sodium chloride (salt), trace minerals. SUGGESTED USE: 40-80 drops per day. 80 drops = just over 3/4 teaspoon. Bottle contains approximately 2400 drops and will last 30 days at 80 drops per day. Drops may be divided up to mask the slight flavor, or consumed all at once. Can be mixed with non-acidic fluids (ideally, fresh, raw vegetable juices or purified water). Do not mix with acidic fluids (such as acidic fruit juices or vinegars) and avoid contact with metal (the oxygen content may be diminished). Greater or lesser amounts can be consumed as your nutritional situation dictates. Intensive USE: 125-600 drops (1.25 teaspoons - 2 tablespoons) or more per day. Non-toxic. If you have any additional questions or concerns with how this product will effect your CFIDS, please consult with your physician.