Boericke & Tafel Alpha SH Natural Homeopathic formula temporarily relieves minor pain of sinus headache. Shrinks swollen nasal membranes, helps decongest sinus openings and passages by promoting sinus drainage..

Alpha SH (40 Tabs)

40 Tablets

All natural and homeopathic ALPHA SH, is recommended for relief of acute sinusitis and sinus related headaches due to congestion. It helps to shrink inflammed nasal mucus membranes by promoting sinus drainage.

Alpha SH is considered to be a safe alternative to over-the-counter pharmaceutical decogestants or prescription oral antibiotics.

  • promotes sinus drainage
  • Shrinks swollen nasal mucus membranes
  • relives sinus related headaches

Active Ingredient (HPUS):
Sanguinaria canadensis 6X;
Hydrastis canadensis 6X;
Silicea 6X;
Kali muriaticum 3X;
Pulsatilla 3X.
Lactose based tablets.

By Paulette Elliott - Flag 
Comments? Question?
Updated Oct. 25, 2011, about 13 years ago

SKU: SN0366203 /TF0030
UPC: 308078013909
Distributed or manufactured from Boericke & Tafel. See more Boericke & Tafel products.

*Not intended to diagnose or treat diseases or ailments, and is not reviewed by the FDA.

Uses & Indications.
  • Relieving Sneezing
  • Relieving Itchy Eyes
  • Relieving Sore Throat
  • Relieving Sinus Pain
Ailments & Concerns.
  • Sinusitis
  • Cold & Flu
  • Hay Fever
  • Allergies
Sinus Relief (120 tab)
Sinus Relief (120 tab) A Vogel

A Vogel
Cold & Sinus Nasal Spray (24 ml)
Cold & Sinus Nasal Spray (24 ml) Natra-Bio

Sinus Relief 1 fl. oz
Sinus Relief 1 fl. oz Natra-Bio



Sunday 01 January, 2006
My family and I have been using this for a few years now. It works really well. I recommend it to everyone! I am very sensitive to medicines and their side effects. There are absolutely no adverse affects or feelings when using this. It relieves my pressure and headache really well. I highly recommend this product as well as their Allergimental product which relieves allergy symptoms.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Thursday 20 October, 2005
This is some amazing stuff. If I feel a sinus headache or sinus pressure building, I take these and I feel good as new! They work really quickly too! Highly recommended!
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Monday 11 April, 2005
I was given this by a person in Canada. Just recently had the need for it. I had not tried it yet but my husband had and said it worked really well. I used many other herbal products and this has to be the best ever. I have high blood pressure and it does not seem to do anything to my blood pressure and it works within 10 to 15 minutes.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

Questions and answers:

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sinus sh drainage 6x, canadensis mucus nasal headaches, shrinks relives membranes related
1. Statements and claims on have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or diagnose any ailment or disease.

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