1 fl. oz.
Using a blend of natural herbs and nutrients, Liddell Stomach Distress Spray helps to relieve gastric pain, bloating, and other symptoms. The active ingredients in Liddell Stomach Distress Spray work in conjunction to promote better digestion and alleviate pain due to gastric problems.
- Relieve stomach pain and bloating
- Help with nausea and upset stomach
- Promote better digestion
- Treat loss of appetite
- Ease constipation
Active Ingredients | Therapeutic Effects |
Hydrastis Canadensis 12x (Goldernseal) | Relieves upset stomach from eating bread or vegetables; helps alleviate an inability to digest food properly; and eases stomach pain. |
Carbo Animalis 12x (Animal Charcoal) | Promotes circulation; and allleviates an inability to digest food properly. |
Carbo Vegetabilis 12x (Vegetable Charcoal) | Helps relieve balching, flatulence and slow digestion; eases nausea and a burning sensation in the stomach; soothes stomach cramping; and assists slow digestion. |
Calcarea Sulphurica 200c (Calcium Sulfate) | Alleviates abdominal pain in the liver region; and eases nausea, weakness, and pain in the stomach. |
Silicea 12x (Silica) | Reduces revulsion to meat and warm foods; helps restore appetite; alleviates excessive thirst; relieves sour stomach and stomach discomfort. |
Ornithogalum Umbellatum 12x (Star of Bethlehem) | Helps alleviate chronic gastric problems; eases painful contractions in the stomach region; and relieves discomfort caused by gastric ulcers. |
Pyrogenium 200c (Pyrogen) | Relieves vomiting; a general antiseptic remedy; excellent remedy for septic Health Concerns; and eases stomach discomfort. |
Arsenicum Album 200c (Arsenic Trioxide) | Relieves nausea at the sight of food; reduces craving for acidic food or coffee; eases irritable stomach; Alleviates painful abdomen; and eases rectal spasms. |
Cinchona Officinalis 200c (Peruvian Bark) | Alleviates slow digestion; eases vomiting and ill effects after eating; relieves loss of appetite; treats aversion to milk and tea; and relieves bloating and flatulence. |
Nux Vomica 200c (Poison Nut) | Helps maintain metabolic equilibrium; relieves nausea; and eases constipation. |
Comments? Question?
Updated Dec. 21, 2011,
about 13 years ago
UPC: 363113121964
Distributed or manufactured from Liddell (Liddel). See more Liddell (Liddel) products.
*Not intended to diagnose or treat diseases or ailments, and is not reviewed by the FDA.
Uses & Indications.- Relieving Nausea
- Regulating Bowel Movements
- Relieving Pain
- Relieving Indigestion
- Acid Reflux
- Heartburn
- Flatulence
- Gas & Bloating
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