Yoga Head Bands Hold your hair back, Yogi-style. Fully functional Yoga Head Bands keep the sweat from making tears in you eyes, all with great designs.
Review I have been using Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod 16 oz for 4 years. Everyone in our home takes it plus lots of my friends. I have been to 4 doctors who have mentioned it by name, and say they also use it. We have had any 'after taste' problems with this product. I take 1-2 TBS per day. I'm 67 and take no medications, only supliments. BP 120/70 Cholestrol 138 triglicerides 80. I had a 64 slice cat scan of my heart and had 0 plaque, no blockage. I order 8-10 pints at a time for family and friends .... great product ... wouldn't start my day with out it.
Review Source Naturals 5 HTP is one of the many sources I've tried. It was best tolerated at night a few hours after eating, but made me sick to my stomach if I took it before eating in the mornings. The biggest downside to the product is that it is in 50mg capsules instead of 100mg capsules. I have heard great things about Lidtke's l-Tryptophan as well, but have not tried it.
I would definately use Source Natural's 5-HTP is available to me, but prefer LifeLink and Solaray's.