Promotes relaxation, improves mood, promotes satifying sleep, reduces cravings for carbohydrates. Ultra-Premium quality, independently tested for purity,certified free of EBT,
Hypoallergenic, gluten free..

L-Tryptophan (500 mg 120 capsules)*

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Lidtke Technologies

L-Tryptophan 500 mg

What doctors say about L-Tryptophan

L-Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that your body must have to sustain life. L?Tryptophan is found in many proteins, enzymes and neurotransmitters throughout your body, including serotonin and melatonin. That’s right, it is from L?Tryptophan alone that your body naturally makes serotonin and melatonin. For this reason, no other amino acid, vitamin, mineral, herb or drug can take the place of L?Tryptophan.

The fact that this amino acid is absolutely critical to your health is confirmed by the fact that L?Tryptophan is routinely added to baby formulas, where it is essential for growth, and to hospital intravenous solutions (IV’s), where it is essential to life. Furthermore, plasma amino-acid analysis of hundreds of patients demonstrates that L?Tryptophan is the amino acid most deficient in our diet. As demonstrated by Dr. Charles Jarowski, former head of Research and Development at Pfizer, Inc., when an essential amino acid such as L?Tryptophan is in short supply, a host of health conditions begin to surface, often emotional ones, first.

Clinical research proves benefits of L?Tryptophan

Because L?Tryptophan is the amino acid most lacking in our diet, it should be no surprise that L?Tryptophan supplements have been widely used to correct deficiencies for more than thirty years by doctors in the United States and Europe. Psychiatrists, medical doctors, and nutritionists, alike, have long recognized the value of pure L?Tryptophan for maintaining good health, promoting a cheerful mood, relieving irritability, reducing the craving for sweets and carbohydrates, and encouraging normal, healthy sleep.

L?Tryptophan and weight loss

During dieting, L?Tryptophan levels and serotonin levels drop dramatically. These low serotonin levels in overweight and obese patients are known to cause carbohydrate cravings and the resultant binge eating. Because brain and blood levels of serotonin, rise and fall depending on the amount of L?Tryptophan you consume, many health practitioners use L?Tryptophan to stop the cravings and help diets succeed.

Numerous clinical trials on overweight patients have demonstrated food cravings decrease, and food intake decreases when serotonin levels are high.

As medical awareness of the impact of L?Tryptophan on health continues to grow, it should be remembered that essential nutrients are not drugs, and it takes time to replenish your body’s supply, but it is well worth it! Some symptoms of an L?Tryptophan deficiency may disappear within days, but because essential amino acids are involved in nearly every bodily function, we always advise allowing 60 days for full benefit. Remember, there is no substitute for what your body really needs.


  • Ultra-Premium quality
  • Independently tested for purity
  • Certified free of EBT
  • Hypoallergenic, gluten free
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Improves mood
  • Promotes satifying sleep
  • Reduces cravings for carbohydrates
  • Tested for heavy metals, solvents, and micro-biological contaminants
  • Non-GMO (no genetically modified ingredients)
  • Exceeds pharmaceutical standards



Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 capsule:
L-Tryptophan, USP 500 mg **

Other ingredients: gelatin capsule (Kosher), magnesium stearate.

Hypoallergenic: No yeast, wheat, soy, gluten, milk, eggs, nuts, fish, shellfish, sugar, artificial color or flavor, or any other common allergen.

A message from LIDTKE

If you are unfamiliar with L?Tryptophan, it is naturally found in protein and has been recommended by nutritionally-educated doctors in America and Europe for over thirty years.

You should be aware that your body does not make L?Tryptophan, and you cannot live without it. To show you the importance of this critical amino acid, L?Tryptophan is commonly added to baby formulas because it is essential for growth. Moreover, L?Tryptophan is added to hospital intravenous solutions (IV’s) where it is absolutely essential to life.

Many of our clients: Psychiatrists, medical doctors, and nutritionists, alike, have long recognized the value of L?Tryptophan for maintaining good health, promoting a cheerful mood, relieving irritability, reducing the craving for sweets and carbohydrates, and encouraging normal, healthy sleep.

The fact is, L?Tryptophan is a product that many thousands of patients and health-conscious consumers use and depend on.

Although L?Tryptophan is an essential amino acid commonly found in protein, it is important to understand that L?Tryptophan also is the amino acid most lacking in your diet. Plasma amino-acid analysis of hundreds of patients demonstrates that L?Tryptophan is the amino acid most deficient in the American diet.

Remember, because L?Tryptophan is an essential nutrient, no other amino acid, protein, vitamin, mineral, herb or drug can take the place of L?Tryptophan.

With so many articles being written about the importance of serotonin and the use of serotonin-mimicking drugs, not everyone knows that L?Tryptophan is the only, natural building-block of serotonin, the natural brain chemical that helps you remain calm, yet focused.

Countless research articles document the fact that serotonin reduces anxiety, promotes a cheerful mood, promotes restful sleep, and reduces the craving for carbohydrates, sweets, and other fattening foods.

L?Tryptophan, being an essential nutrient, provides so many benefits, in fact, they are hard to number. For example, one metabolite of L?Tryptophan may increase zinc absorption. Patients with zinc and vitamin B6 deficiency often experience severe inner tension, anxiety and phobias. According to Dr. Eric Braverman in The Healing Nutrients Within, “These patients do well with L?Tryptophan supplementation.”

Dr. Braverman continues: “A sixteen-year-old boy came to us with a history of vandalism, violence and aggression. We started him on 2 gm of L?Tryptophan am and pm… One month later, the patient returned, having been transformed from a wolf to a lamb. Slowly, for the next two months, we tapered his dose to 2 gm daily, without reappearance of symptoms.”

With American’s consuming so much protein, it might seem unlikely that L?Tryptophan could be in short supply, but it is true. Furthermore, as established in Research done by Richard and Judith Wurtman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), high-protein diets actually interfere with L?Tryptophan absorption by your brain, where it is most needed for mental and emotional health.

According to an article in the journal, Psychosomatics, the high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets so common today may actually be aggravating anxiety disorders, such as panic disorders. Unfortunately, anxiety disorders are frequently treated by doctors unfamiliar with nutrition, who prescribe drugs that only mask the problem, rather than solve it.

If you have ever been under the dark cloud of “mood-enhancing” drugs, you already know some of the side effects. Dr. David Sussman, quoted in Clinical Psychiatry News, lists the short-term side effects of nausea, diarrhea, headache, and agitation. Long-term side effects – even more important due to the often long-term nature of such disorders – include, among others, “insomnia, weight gain, sexual dysfunction…”

As noted by Dr. Linus Pauling, PhD, two-time winner of the Nobel Prize, our first approach to healing should be to find the right molecule or nutrient to repair health, not a drug to hide the problem.

The problem may be as simple as not enough L?Tryptophan reaching your blood stream.

Remember that L?Tryptophan is not a drug and does not work like a drug. L?Tryptophan is a natural, building-block of health that thousands of consumers around the world supplement their diet with every day.

Patients who have been misdiagnosed and are experiencing the side effects of SSRI’s or other serotonin-mimicking drugs should know that they have a natural alternative.

By Randall Wise - Flag 
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Updated Apr. 13, 2016, about 8 years ago

SKU: LT-208
UPC: 630610002080
Distributed or manufactured from Lidtke. See more Lidtke products.

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Questions and answers:

Asked on: October 23, 2012
Question: Does it contain Vit B 6 ?
  • A: This product does not contain Vit B6

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