Acidophilus contains healthy organisms that work to maintain good intestinal flora, which help prevent disease and infection. Seacoast Natural Foods Acidophilus promotes healthy gastrointestinal function and aids in digestion..

Acidophilus (250 caps)

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250 Capsules

Acidophilus contains healthy organisms that work to maintain good intestinal flora, which help prevent disease and infection. Seacoast Natural Foods Acidophilus promotes healthy gastrointestinal function and aids in digestion.

Acidophilus has also been found to help prevent the over-growth of yeast in the intestines, skin, and genital areas. It can help to treat and prevent vaginal yeast infections, thrush, and yeast diaper rashes. Acidophilus is particularly useful when taking antibiotics.

  • Balances yeast levels
  • Promotes healthy digestion
  • Protects against intestinal disease

Each Capsule Contains:
Millions of viable lactobacillus acidophilus organisms as an aid in the establishment and maintenance of favorable intestinal flora.

By Austin Butler - Flag 
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Updated May. 11, 2016, about 8 years ago

SKU: 515250
Distributed or manufactured from Seacoast Vitamins. See more Seacoast Vitamins products.

*Not intended to diagnose or treat diseases or ailments, and is not reviewed by the FDA.

Uses & Indications.
  • Relieving Indigestion
  • Regulating Bowel Movements
  • Fighting Infection
  • Eliminating Yeast
  • Enhancing Immune Function
Ailments & Concerns.
  • Gas & Bloating
  • Candidiasis
  • Cancers
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Dyspepsia
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Saturday 04 July, 2009
All the benefits of acidophilus without the dairy of yogurt, which kills me. Can you beat that? In combination with other aicd-, bloating-fighting relievers, I'm doing great.
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars!

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acidophilus intestinal organisms diaper, thrush flora prevent establishment, digestion yeast balances millions
1. Statements and claims on have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or diagnose any ailment or disease.

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