High Performance Energy Formula of Balanced Ionic Minerals - Now with P-5-P and L-Taurine to help increase stamina and reduce cramping! Boost Endurance..
Full price 17.89
Savings 28%

Electrolyte Stamina Tablets (90 Tabs)

Trace Minerals Research

Electrolyte Stamina Tablets

New & Improved- Electrolyte Stamina is a dietary supplement that is ideal for sports performance, people working in high temperatures, and anyone expecting to experience high levels of fluid loss. P-5-P and L-Taurine help get magnesium into the cells more effectively to help reduce cramps and increase stamina and energy. You may expect a wide spectrum of nutritional benefits.

Electrolyte Stamina Tablets replenish your body

By Genevieve Armstrong - Flag 
Comments? Question?
Updated Mar. 29, 2016, about 8 years ago

UPC: 878941000584
Distributed or manufactured from Trace Mineral Research. See more Trace Mineral Research products.

*Not intended to diagnose or treat diseases or ailments, and is not reviewed by the FDA.

Uses & Indications.
  • Boosting Endurance Levels
  • Increasing Stamina
  • Replenishing Fluids
Ailments & Concerns.

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Questions and answers:

Asked on: October 25, 2012
Question: Where available in india-maharashtra-pune
  • A: We do not have a location in India. You may purchase this product on our site at
Asked on: March 12, 2013
Question: where available in pakistan
  • A: I am not aware of where this supplement is available locally in  Pakistan, however you can purchase this product online directly from 
Asked on: April 1, 2013
Question: really i need this tablets.hope its best for my running stamina.can u tell me how much will i pay for this.?when i order to this product by i really dont know.. i m from india
  • A: That's great to hear. This supplement costs ast low as $11.01 before shipping. 

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1. Statements and claims on have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or diagnose any ailment or disease.

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