Arctic Cod Liver Oil Plain* (8 oz.)
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Arctic Cod Liver Oil 8 fl. oz.
One teaspoon of Nordic Naturals' Arctic Cod Liver Oil supplies the body with its' daily need for DHA and EPA. DHA and EPA are two fatty acids found in Omega-3, an essential or good fat necessary for general health. Omega-3 is only found in cold water fish oil and a few other foods; most Americans obtain an insufficient amount of this very important nutrient.
This particular formula of Arctic Cod Liver Oil from Nordic Naturals is plain and unflavored. Take one teaspoon daily with a meal to meet your body's daily requirement of Omega-3 fatty acid, containing DHA and EPA. Nordic's CLO contains vitamins A and D, and also provides your body with the blood-benefiting, bone-maintaining vitamin K.
- Brain function
- Mood
- Immune system
- Helps prevent heart disease
- Cancer
- Depression
Please note Supplement Facts are based on an anverage 2,000 calorie ADULT diet.
Arctic Cod Liver Oil Strawberry Serving Size: 1 Teaspoon |
SKU: 53784
UPC: 768990537844 Distributed or manufactured from Nordic Naturals. See more Nordic Naturals products. *Not intended to diagnose or treat diseases or ailments, and is not reviewed by the FDA. Uses & Indications.
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Questions and answers:
Asked on: November 26, 2012
Question: sunflower seedsoil have a lot of omega 6 s, and linseed(flaxseed), eeihtr ground or oil is an excellent source of omega-3 s, I recommend you limit your intake of sunflower seedsoil, however(flax seed is a great addition to your diet, though, note that they won't digest if you don't grind them up first, the oil is a decent alternative but must be refrigeratedfrozen or will go bad quickly). Most americans eat too much omega 6 s and too little omega 3 s, the ideal ratio is under 5:1 omega 6 s:omega 3 s. Try 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed in your cereal each morning or a smoothie. If mixed with water, it can be used as an egg substitute in recipes. I buy my flaxseeds from trader joe's for about 3 for a 1-pound bag(34 2 tablespoon servings, 60 calories per serving, 2400 mg of omega 3 s per serving as well as protein and fiber).
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1. Statements and claims on Seacoast.com have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or diagnose any ailment or disease.