Lumina Health CellFood | Oxygen Therapy Cellfood is the world's top-selling oxygen+nutrient formula sold in over 70 countries and recommended by health professionals everywhere. Celebrating 40 years of enhancing health throughout the world.
Pro Omega | Nordic Naturals Fish Oil Pharmaceutical grade Pro Omega fish oil is a highly concentrated Omega-3 supplement containing EPA and DHA.
Review I have been using Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod 16 oz for 4 years. Everyone in our home takes it plus lots of my friends. I have been to 4 doctors who have mentioned it by name, and say they also use it. We have had any 'after taste' problems with this product. I take 1-2 TBS per day. I'm 67 and take no medications, only supliments. BP 120/70 Cholestrol 138 triglicerides 80. I had a 64 slice cat scan of my heart and had 0 plaque, no blockage. I order 8-10 pints at a time for family and friends .... great product ... wouldn't start my day with out it.
Review Source Naturals 5 HTP is one of the many sources I've tried. It was best tolerated at night a few hours after eating, but made me sick to my stomach if I took it before eating in the mornings. The biggest downside to the product is that it is in 50mg capsules instead of 100mg capsules. I have heard great things about Lidtke's l-Tryptophan as well, but have not tried it.
I would definately use Source Natural's 5-HTP is available to me, but prefer LifeLink and Solaray's.
Review Nordic Naturals ProOmega Joint has made a significant difference in my joint mobility after just 1 month of taking 2 capsules per day. My cholesterol was a little high and when I went for my last check up my Dr. said my levels were in the healthy range again. We contribute this to taking Nordic Naturals fish oil. I highly recommend this product.
Review I have used Liddell Cal+ for some time now. I am 70 years old.
After using it for 1 year, it actually improved my bone density,
as shown on my bone scan test.
Review I used it in a difficult situation with very large varicoses in the left knee and it helps a lot after two months to redused them about 70%.In some places disappear almost completely.
Review Love this product (as well as others by Nordic Naturals!)... Children almost consider it candy, and always remind me to give it to them if I forget. Prescribed by our chiropractor.
Review I really like this product. I was using Zyrtec-D on top of other over the counter allergy products. Besides spending upwards of $70-$100 a month on all that I still never felt as good as I do taking the Flora Nasal & Sinus. Taking this product made me feel much better and was a heck of a lot cheaper! I would highly recommend!
Review SeacoastVitamins are wonderful source for Nordic Naturals ProOmega Liquid. I highly recommend them, they are reliable, efficient, and prices are very reasonable.
Review This is the absolute best product. Without it, I need to stay in the house with the A/C on in mold season (fall & spring and any other time it gets in that 70 degree window.) It is a must have. However, it flies off the shelves as soon as it hits.
Review I've been using Nordic Naturals for about 6 months. My son had delayed speech. Initially I tried an EFA supplement which triggered some improvements with his speech. The greatest improvement came when I switched him to Nordic Naturals ProEFA. Within a week, he was saying things more clearly. By the 2nd week, he was expressing himself more, using hand gestures to describe what he wanted, and attempted to say it verbally. Highly recommend it.
Biotivia | Transmax |Potent Resveratrol Supplements Biotivia Transmax rated best resveratrol supplement by Men's Health Magazine. On Sale. Lowest Price. Too Low to be advertised. contact us today!
Vectomega | Major Advance in Omega 3 Fish Oil Products Vectomega by Europharma. Fifty times more potent than regular fish oil products. Vectomega delivers superior bioavailability over other EPA/DHA products. Buy Direct from and $ave.